New in version 3.0
- Customization feature for variations .
- Compatible with WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts.
- Support for Flatsome quick view.
- Color picker field.
- Unofficial compatibility with WPML
Extra Product Options allows you to create extra price fields on your WooCommerce products. The current version supports checkboxes, radio buttons, select boxes, textareas, input boxes, upload, date, range picker and color picker.Options are created locally on the edit product page or globally. For each option you have the option to name it, describe it, choose the order and give an optional price. You can control the placement of the fields you create.
- Supports checkboxes, radio buttons, select boxes, textareas, input boxes, upload, date, range picker and color picker. More field types will be available soon!
- Prices can change depending on the selected variation for per product options.
- Global enabled options.
- Form Fields Builder
- Show your options from outside WooCommerce product screen using action hooks
- Show your option anywhere on the product page.
- Enable the options for specific roles.
- Choice between fixed or percentage price increase
- Limit checkbox selection
- Exact selection feature for checkboxes
- Import/export functions to forms.
- Lazy load images for radios and checkboxes.
- Change product image for radios and checkboxes.
- Price per character feature for textfields and textareas.
- Extra styling for radios and checkboxes.
- Performance increase for big number of options.
- Image replacement for checkboxes and radio button on Global Options
- Choose the grid display for checkboxes and radio button for Global Options
- Hide or show prices
- Display sections options as a pop up
- Conditional logic for fields and sections.
- Compatible with Woothemes Composite Products.
- Compatible with Woothemes Measurement Price Calculator.
- Compatible with Woothemes WooCommerce Subscriptions.
- Compatible with Woothemes WooCommerce Quick View.
- Compatible with Woothemes Measurement Price Calculator
- Compatible with WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts.
- Compatible with WooCommerce Currency Switcher.
- Detailed documentation.
- and more …
26.01.2015 version 3.0
- Fixed compatibility with Woothemes Composite Products.
- Fixed an issue where a product was displaying wrong price on admin products list.
- Fixed an issue with conditional logic on select boxes.
- Fixed an issue with WooCommerce Subscriptions.
- Fixed a bug on the Change Product image feature.
- Fixed the Hide uploaded file path setting to include emails and customer order history.
- Fixed double clicking on radio images.
- Fixed a bug on price type “Percent of the original price + options” when used on radio buttons.
- Fixed an issue where the text editor wasn’t updating text when switching modes.
- Fixed an issue for the “Cannot redeclare wc_get_product()” related error on previous WooCommerce versions.
- Fixed an error where no initial values where entered for the range pickers.
- Fixed an issue for Composites products where products having css classes applied on them were controlling the appearance of following products.
- Added customization feature for variations and they can now used for conditional logic.
- Added support for WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts.
- Added support for Flatsome quick view.
- Added support for disabled dates and weekdays on date picker.
- Added color picker field.
- Added tooltip as an option for subtitles.
- Added setting to not show the totals box if options price is zero.
- Added filter ‘tm_epo_cart_options_prices’ applied to options before they are added to product price.
- Added unofficial compatibility with WPML.
- Added setting to allow changing the product image with a custom image for radios,checkboxes and select boxes.
- Redesigned the “change product image” feature to allow the change to happen without the need for the field to have image display.
- Changed plugin internal name to “WooCommerce TM Extra Product Options”.
20.12.2014 version 2.5.11
- Restored compatibility with Woothemes Composite Products.
- Added compatibility with Woothemes Measurement Price Calculator.
- Added current value price type for text field (donation like).
- Added setting to enable a floating box of the totals.
- Fixed an issue with the range picker’s step*price setting.
15.12.2014 version 2.5.10
- Fixed a bug in shortcodes..
- Fixed issue for activation on some server configurations.
13.12.2014 version 2.5.7
- Added WordPress 4.1 support.
- Added live change on price for textareas and text fields.
- Added hex color support for replacement images.
- Added option for checkboxes to allow an exact number checked only.
- Added support for WooCommerce shortcodes.
- Added Taxes support.
- Added ability to use url parameters to fill field values.
- Changed the uploaded file path to be a link on cart page.
- Extended range picker with two more value options.
- Fixed issue with ninja forms.
- Fixed an issue with extra slashes.
- Fixed an issue with the section popup on certain themes.
- Fixed an issue where styled elements could not be clicked.
- Fixed an issue were required Fees could not be added to the cart.
21.10.2014 version 2.5.5
- Added Bundle rate shipping compatibility.
- Fixed force select setting.
- Fixed WooCommerce Currency Switcher compatibility.
- Fixed Quick View compatibility.
- Added default WordPress strings to datapicker.
- Added setting to always show final total regardless of options.
- Fixed js toggle.
- Fixed imprort/export function.
25.09.2014 version 2.5.4
- Fix: Fixed fee calculation for WooCommerce 2.2+.
- Fix: Fixed range picker not displaying when step value was different than 1.
- Fix: Fixed auto updater.
- Fix: Fixed subscription fee error when the cart was being deleted.
11.09.2014 version 2.5.3
- Fix: Fixed import function.
- Feature: Added two more conditional type calculations.
09.09.2014 version 2.5.2
- Fix: Fixed URL redirect for image replacements.
- Fix: Fixed images not showing for radios and checkboxes when lazy load is disabled.
- Feature: Added Accordion type for sections.
05.09.2014 version 2.5.1
- Fix: Fixed an issue where lazy load did not load images inside a hidden container
- Feature: Added setting to disable lazy load images
- Bug: Corrected “Undefined offset: 0” when the price type is not fee
- Bug: Fixed extra cart fee name
05.09.2014 version 2.5
- Feature: Added range picker field.
- Feature: Added cart Fee price type.
- Feature: Added setting to control the placement of the extra options and the totals box.
- Feature: Added setting to enable the plugin for specific roles.
- Feature: Added import/export functions to forms.
- Feature: Lazy load images for radios and checkboxes.
- Feature: Added setting to change product image for radios and checkboxes.
- Feature: Added ability to hide options in cart.
- Feature: Added ability to hide options prices in cart.
- Feature: Added price per character for textfields and textareas.
- Feature: Added extra styling for radios and checkboxes.
- Feature: Added compatibility with WooCommerce Currency Switcher.
- Feature: Added compatibility with WooCommerce Quick View.
- Improvement: Added setting for hiding uploaded file path from uses by default.
- Improvement: Added populate function for select boxes, radios and checkboxes.
- Fix: Date format now supports the date field as well.
- Fix: Increased z-index for pop-ups for better display.
- Fix: Fixed Force Select Options to propertly redirect to product page.
- Fix: Fixed a bug where products which had exlcluded global options with required fields were still producing validation errors.
23.08.2014 version 2.4.9
- Fix: Corrected Conditional logic for image radios and check boxes
21.08.2014 version 2.4.8
- Improvement: Extended the css class for elements to include the ul and div wrapper.
- Feature: Added swatch mode for radio button and checkboxes.
- Fix: Corrected shown value for text fields when product is not added to the cart.
21.08.2014 version 2.4.7
- Feature: Performance increase for big number of options.
- Fix: Fixed a bug where required elements did not prevent product from being added to the cart.
19.08.2014 version 2.4.6
- Feature: Added option for extra css class to element.
- Feature: Added choice to display a single section as a pop up.
- Fix: Fixed bug when adding more then 10 sections on builder.
18.08.2014 version 2.4.4
- Feature: Added extra class names for sections.
- Feature: Added Display override for totals box.
- Fix: Corrected grid display.
- Fix: Fixed display of urlencoded values for labels with non latin characters.
- Fix: Fixed Add element button on Form Builder.
- Feature: Added auto update support.
15.08.2014 version 2.4.2
- Fixed method exists bug for some servers.
- Added url redirection feature to radio buttons and select boxes.
- Corrected html display on cart page.
- Fixed prices not added for html based labels
- Corrected the grid display
- Added js trigger tm-epo-after-update after the prices get updated.
- Updated the Form Builder.
- Corrected php post_limit_vars errors for big forms.
11.08.2014 version 2.4.1
- Fix: Fixed strip html for order.
- Fix: Options not displaying on orders when bother label and price are empty.
- Feature: Added URL redirect setting for radio buttons and select boxes.
10.08.2014 version 2.4.0
- Fix: Fixed conditional logic to work with required items.
- Fix: Fixed ut8 support for fields values.
- Fix: Extend Strip HTML from emails to include images.
- Feature: Added Form Builder to Products.
- Feature: Added notice for successful uploads.
- Feature: Added FREE label text replacement setting.
07.08.2014 version 2.3.5
- Feature: Added WooCommerce Subscriptions support
- Fix: Fixed options duplication issue when theme use more than one “woocommerce_before_add_to_cart_button” action hook.
- Fix: Css fixes.
05.08.2014 version 2.3.4
- Fix: Corrected the Conditional Logic
- Fix: Corrected the grid display
- Feature: Enable the Global Form Editor to accept single Products
- Feature: Added ability to include an extra text after the price.
04.08.2014 version 2.3.3
- Fix: Made the calendar responsive.
- Feature: Added option to remover FREE label when product has options.
- Feature: Added option to enable a default value for radios,checkboxes and select boxes.
- Feature: Added placeholder for select boxes
- Feature: Added option to position description
- Feature: Enabled shortcodes on field labels
01.08.2014 version 2.3.2
- Fix: Fixed Sections Conditional logic
30.07.2014 version 2.3
- Fix: Updated language files to work with Codestyling localization plugin
- Fix: Updated css to make fields compatible with foundation.css based themes.
29.07.2014 version 2.2.4
- Bug Fixes
26.07.2014 version 2.2
- Feature: Added date field.
- Feature: Added ability to change Final total and option total strings.
- Feature: Added setting to strip html from emails.
- Fix: Fixed unicode support for attributes
11.07.2014 version 2.1.3
- Bug Fixes
02.07.2014 version
- Updated the Form Fields Builder
- Update: Replaced most of the filters with new names (kept the old ones for back-comp)
27.06.2014 version 2.0
- Feature: Added 4 global settings.
- Feature: Added upload field.
- Feature: Added Conditional logic for fields and sections on the global Form Builder.
- Feature: Added 1 section style.
- Feature: Added title and description for sections.
- Fix: Replaced the woocommerce_tm_custom_price_fields: now accepts the product id directly.
- Feature: Added compatibility with Composite Products.
- Feature: Added extra fee filter (woocommerce_tm_final_price_extra_fee)
- Feature: Added filter woocommerce_tm_final_price
- Feature: Added option to display fields on the cart with a pop-up
20.06.2014 version 1.3.2
- Bug Fixes
15.06.2014 version 1.3.2
- Feature: Added choice between fixed or percentage price increase.
14.06.2014 version 1.3.1
- Feature: Added limit checkbox selection
14.06.2014 version 1.3
- Feature: Added ability to replace checkboxes and radio button with images on Global Options
- Feature: Added ability to choose the grid display for checkboxes and radio button on Global Options
- Bug fixes
12.06.2014 version 1.2.1
- Update: Added hide price option to per-product basis
12.06.2014 version 1.2
- Feature: Added action hook to enable loading the plugin from outside woocommerce product screen
11.06.2014 version 1.1.1
- Bug fixes
10.06.2014 version 1.1
- Feature: Added setting to enable the display of fields using action hooks.
- Feature: Added setting to disable Global Options on per-prodcut basis.
10.06.2014 version 1.0.1
- Bug fixes
05.06.2014 version 1.0
- Initial release
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