Main Features
One-Click Demo InstallerImporting demo data is the easiest way to startup your theme and BuildPress has that covered just a click away. No more pain with building your new website from scratch. |
Intuitive Page BuilderIs default way of building pages too complex for you? Don’t worry, BuildPress has integrated Page Builder which does all the heavy lifting for you. With its intuitive drag & drop interface building pages becomes a pleasure. |
Responsive & Retina-ReadyBuildPress looks great on any device, from mobile to desktop and beyond. Clean responsive design fits to any screen and we ensured it loads fast too, especially on mobile! |
WPML CompatibleWordPress multilingual plugin can be configured in the BuildPress in matter of minutes. All our themes are 100% translation-ready. |
RTL supportedBuildPress supports right-to-left text direction. It will be activated automatically when BuildPress detects that you installed WordPress in RTL language. |
Real-time WP CustomizerChange the look and feel of the BuildPress with the real-time preview WordPress customizer. You can see your changes instantly and see what works the best, before you make the changes actually live. |
Included: Premium Essential GridPremium WordPress plugin Essential Grid comes with the theme for free. It was never easier to showcase the portfolio of your company. |
Support & Video TutorialsWe have screencasted and published many video tutorials how to get started with our themes. In case anything still goes wrong or you need help, we offer timely support for our items for free! |
Sidebars And WidgetsBuildPress comes with many custom widgets and sidebars, so creating a totally unique layout is easy and fun! |
WooCommerce CompatibleNeed an online shop? We’ve got you covered! Popular WooCommerce plugin pays nicely with the BuildPress, so you can start selling right away! |
Popular WordPress Plugins SupportedThere are many fantastic WordPress plugins out there and BuildPress supports them by default. Contact Form 7, Custom Sidebars, Jetpack and FancyBox for WordPress to name just a few. |
Strictly Coded by WordPress Standards and BeyondCompatibility and code quality are equally important as the visual appearance of the theme. Our products are fully developer friendly and easy to customize or add new functionality. |
Our Customers Say
This is one of the best themes on Themeforest at present due to the excellent Design Quality, Feature Availability, Easy Customisation and the overall fantastic Customer Support from Proteus Themes. Replies to my queries were received almost instantly. I have purchased many themes but this one exceeds all expectations. I highly recommend purchasing ‘Buildpress’.
Great theme easy and lots of customization. Support is quick and very helpfull!
This is BY FAR THE EASIEST theme I had to install. The support documentation is 100% accurate. Well done Proteus Themes, I will definitely be using more of your themes in the future. Good Luck on sales.
5 stars – great mix of super design and very helpful support. I will be looking out for what this team creates in the future. They really know what they are doing. Well done.
A great theme, with plenty of customization and support, and regular updates!
This is a great theme that can be used for much more than simply builders (I am using it for a financial website). It works great and the support team and amazingly fast responding to issues! Thanks guys.
So far from purchasing the theme to installing it and discussing it with the developer the service has been nothing short of outstanding.
As a team of developers we thank you for your extra eye on support section of your item. Listening to your buyers is the best way to grow your product. Even if they are devs or non-devs.
Great theme – it just works!
The content import via their server was the best I’ve seen in years. I normally have such a headache with the XML imports, so this is brilliant.
Page Layouts
BuildPress WP Theme includes many different page layouts, all customizable via real-time preview Customizer:- Front Page layout
- Page Builder layout
- Regular Page layout
- Shop
- Single Project layout
- Projects layout
- Blog layout
- Single Blogpost
- Search Results
- Contact Us
- 404
- and many more
Get Images and Photos Used in BuildPres
The images shown in the demo page are copyrighted and come blurry with the theme (demo content).Contact / Support
We are available for questions / suggestions / help at ProteusThemes Support.Changelog
v2.0.0 (2015-01-22) + added: translation to German + added: translation to French + added: translation to Russian + added: translation to Spanish + added: translation to Dutch + added: Simple Lightbox in recommended plugins @ improved: new version of Ess. Grid # fixed: colors for hover of top/main menu are now changed together with theme colors # fixed: google maps widget warning, if no locations are defined # fixed: typo in the headings of the blog titles # fixed: default main menu hover color in customizer Files: M assets/js/admin.js M assets/sass/components/_top-navigation.scss M assets/sass/style.scss M bower.json M demo-content/essential-grid-construction.json M functions.php M inc/customizer/class-pt-customize-base.php M inc/tgm-plugin-activation.php M inc/widgets/widget-google-map.php M inc/widgets/widget-testimonials.php M index.php M languages/buildpress.pot A languages/de_DE.mo C073 languages/buildpress.pot languages/de_DE.po A languages/es_ES.mo C073 languages/buildpress.pot languages/es_ES.po A languages/fr_FR.mo C073 languages/buildpress.pot languages/fr_FR.po A languages/nl_NL.mo C073 languages/buildpress.pot languages/nl_NL.po A languages/ru_RU.mo C072 languages/buildpress.pot languages/ru_RU.po M style.css
v1.10.1 (2015-01-09) @ improved: RTL @ improved: optimized images # fixed: duplicated ACF settings after the demo content import # fixed: categories on the single project Files: M assets/images/404.png M assets/images/favicon.png M assets/images/logo.png M assets/images/logo@2x.png M assets/images/logo_footer.png M assets/images/map_pin.png M assets/images/motivational-background.jpg M assets/images/title-area-pattern.png M assets/images/widget-title-logo.png M assets/sass/rtl.scss M assets/sass/style.scss M demo-content/content.xml M languages/buildpress.pot M rtl.css M single-portfolio.php M style.css
v1.10.0 (2015-01-08) + added: color control for the breadcrumbs text + added: translation to Turkish (by http://www.cetinogluinsaat.com/) + added: translation to Slovenian # fixed: testimonials bug - when more than 10 testimonials added # fixed: maps location bug Files: M assets/js/admin.js M assets/sass/components/_footer.scss M assets/sass/components/_main-title.scss M assets/sass/components/_page-builder.scss M assets/sass/rtl.scss M assets/sass/style.scss M header.php M inc/customizer/class-pt-customize-base.php M languages/buildpress.pot A languages/sl_SI.mo C093 languages/buildpress.pot languages/sl_SI.po A languages/tr_TR.mo C058 languages/buildpress.pot languages/tr_TR.po M rtl.css M style.css
v1.9.0 (2014-12-17) + added: main menu hover link color + added: prebuilt layouts for about us, contact us, home page - shop # fixed: hidden content when using boxed layout with full width page row layout @ improved: new demo content export Files: M assets/sass/style.scss M demo-content/content.xml M demo-content/essential-grid-construction.json M demo-content/widgets.json M inc/compat.php M inc/customizer/class-pt-customize-base.php M languages/buildpress.pot M style.css
v1.8.1 (2014-12-15) # fixed: ACF subtitle field @ improved: compatibility with new version of Page Builder @ improved: new demo content export Files: M assets/js/admin.js M assets/sass/components/_top-navigation.scss M assets/sass/style.scss M demo-content/content.xml M inc/acf-field-groups.php M inc/compat.php M inc/customizer/class-pt-customize-base.php M inc/tgm-plugin-activation.php M inc/widgets/widget-banner.php M inc/widgets/widget-brochure-box.php M inc/widgets/widget-facebook.php M inc/widgets/widget-featured-page.php M inc/widgets/widget-google-map.php M inc/widgets/widget-icon-box.php M inc/widgets/widget-social-icons.php M inc/widgets/widget-testimonials.php M languages/buildpress.pot M style.css
v1.8.0 (2014-12-12) + added: option to add title area background per page @ improved: the child theme template in extras folder (add functions.php and change style.css to match the WP code standard) @ improved: changed picturefill to respimage JS lib # fixed: issues on retina FF with logo Files: M assets/sass/components/_jumbotron.scss M assets/sass/components/_woocommerce.scss M assets/sass/style.scss M bower.json M functions.php M header.php M inc/acf-field-groups.php M inc/customizer/class-pt-customize-base.php M inc/helpers.php M inc/widgets/widget-featured-page.php M languages/buildpress.pot M part-main-title.php M style.css
v1.7.1 (2014-12-05) + added: setting for the submenu link color in customizer Files: M assets/sass/style.scss M inc/customizer/class-pt-customize-base.php M languages/buildpress.pot M style.css
v1.7.0 (2014-12-01) + added: Pricing Tables + added: options in customizer for buttons PREV/NEXT PROJECT + added: option to change the text color of the primary buttons on page + added: option to turn on/off categories as meta data for each project + added: link to online documentation @ improved: new version of bundled ACF, fixed issues with Repeater Field Files: assets/images/favicon.png assets/images/motivational-background.jpg assets/sass/components/_top-navigation.scss assets/sass/components/_wp.scss assets/sass/style.scss bower.json functions.php inc/acf-field-groups.php inc/acf.php inc/customizer/class-pt-customize-base.php inc/documentation-link.php inc/shortcodes.php inc/widgets/widget-featured-page.php languages/buildpress.pot languages/make_translate single-portfolio.php style.css wpml-config.xml
v1.6.0 (2014-11-25) + added: support for RTL + added: optional custom icon in the individual project details + added: patterns from the demo page included in the extras/patterns/ @ improved: new version of Ess. Grid Files: M assets/js/StickyNavbar.js M assets/js/main.js M assets/js/main.min.js M assets/sass/_vars.scss M assets/sass/components/_buttons.scss M assets/sass/components/_comments.scss M assets/sass/components/_footer.scss M assets/sass/components/_jumbotron.scss M assets/sass/components/_main-navigation.scss M assets/sass/components/_projects.scss M assets/sass/components/_proteus-widgets.scss M assets/sass/components/_wp-widgets.scss M assets/sass/components/_wp.scss A assets/sass/rtl.scss M assets/sass/style.scss M bundled-plugins/essential-grid.zip M comments.php M functions.php M inc/acf-field-groups.php M inc/tgm-plugin-activation.php M inc/widgets/widget-testimonials.php A languages/ar.mo A languages/ar.po M languages/buildpress.pot A rtl.css M single-portfolio.php M style.css
v1.5.0 (2014-11-18) + added: possible to add multiple testimonials + carousel + added: option to translate relevant settings from customizer via WPML + added: possible to change slug of projects in customizer + added: possible to add custom meta data to projects # fixed: WooCommerce listed as recommended plugin after theme activation @ improved: updated Boostrap to v3.3.1 @ improved: new version of Essential Grid Files: M assets/js/admin.js M assets/js/main.min.js M assets/sass/style.scss A assets/stylesheets/admin.css D assets/stylesheets/main.css M bower.json M bundled-plugins/essential-grid.zip M functions.php M inc/acf-field-groups.php M inc/compat.php M inc/customizer/class-pt-customize-base.php M inc/tgm-plugin-activation.php M inc/widgets/widget-banner.php M inc/widgets/widget-brochure-box.php M inc/widgets/widget-facebook.php M inc/widgets/widget-google-map.php M inc/widgets/widget-icon-box.php M inc/widgets/widget-testimonials.php M languages/buildpress.pot M single-portfolio.php M style.css A wpml-config.xml
v1.4.0 (2014-11-14) + added: optional smaller title area + added: list of Shutterstock images in documentation + added: optional sticky navbar + added: alternative title mode on the single project page @ improved: headings for better SEO Files: A assets/js/StickyNavbar.js M assets/js/main.js M assets/js/main.min.js M assets/sass/components/_footer-navigation.scss M assets/sass/components/_main-navigation.scss M assets/sass/components/_main-title.scss M assets/sass/components/_top-navigation.scss M assets/sass/style.scss M assets/stylesheets/main.css M demo-content/content.xml M demo-content/widgets.json M footer.php M functions.php M header.php M inc/customizer/class-pt-customize-base.php M inc/helpers.php M index.php M languages/buildpress.pot M part-main-title.php M single-portfolio.php M style.css
v1.3.0 (2014-11-13) + added: support for WooCommerce + added: support for LayerSlider + added: support for Revolution Slider + added: child theme included + added: text color picker for header widgets # fixed: slider captions and arrows on boxed version # fixed: click on icons in widgets Icon Box and Brochure Box Files: M assets/js/admin.js M assets/sass/components/_contact-form-7.scss M assets/sass/components/_jumbotron.scss M assets/sass/components/_main-navigation.scss M assets/sass/components/_woocommerce.scss M assets/sass/components/_wp-widgets.scss M assets/sass/style.scss M functions.php M inc/acf-field-groups.php M inc/customizer/class-pt-customize-base.php M inc/helpers.php M inc/woocommerce.php M languages/buildpress.pot M part-main-title.php M style.css A template-front-page-slider-alt.php
v1.2.0 (2014-11-10) + added: boxed version + added: background color picker for top bar + added: text color picker for top bar + added: background color picker for header + added: background pattern upload option for header + added: mobile main navigation link color picker # fixed: white space if there are no captions under slider on mobile @ improved: search form colors are now more consistent with design @ improved: demo content import (front page and blog page set automatically after content is imported) Files: M assets/sass/components/_header.scss M assets/sass/components/_jumbotron.scss M assets/sass/components/_top-navigation.scss M assets/sass/components/_top.scss M assets/sass/components/_wp-widgets.scss M assets/sass/style.scss M footer.php M header.php M inc/content-import.php M inc/customizer/class-pt-customize-base.php M inc/customizer/class-pt-customize-setting-dynamic-css.php M languages/buildpress.pot M part-jumbotron.php M style.css
v1.1.1 (2014-11-08) # fixed: error when saving front page with slider with checkbox for captions unchecked # fixed: Page Builder disappearing after the editing page loads # fixed: errors when importing demo content, new exported XML file # fixed: disabled notices for Essential Grid @ improved: new version of Essential Grid + docs Files: M assets/js/admin.js M assets/sass/components/_main-navigation.scss M assets/sass/style.scss M bundled-plugins/essential-grid.zip M demo-content/content.xml M inc/acf-field-groups.php M inc/compat.php M inc/customizer/class-pt-customize-base.php M inc/tgm-plugin-activation.php M languages/buildpress.pot M style.css
v1.1.0 (2014-11-06) + added: Brochure Box widget + added: setting to change the main navigation colors / bg color in customizer # fixed: heading linking disabled on single post/page/project # fixed: text color now applied on selector `body` @ improved: new widgets json export file from demo page Files: M assets/sass/components/_main-navigation.scss M assets/sass/components/_woocommerce.scss M assets/sass/components/_wp.scss M demo-content/widgets.json M inc/customizer/class-pt-customize-base.php M inc/customizer/class-pt-customize-setting-dynamic-css.php A languages/buildpress.pot D languages/construction.pot M single-portfolio.php M single.php M style.css
v1.0.1 (2014-11-05) # fixed: constant BUILDPRESS_DEVELOPMENT in functions.php set to false Files: M assets/sass/style.scss M functions.php M style.css
v1.0.0 (2014-11-04) # first release
Posting Komentar
Nice article. It's very helpful to me. Thank you for share with us. Can you please check my article If current page is the Blog Page then echo something WordPress.