Version 4.1.4 or older must be updated immediately to avoid Critical Vulnerability
Slider Revolution! Responsive WordPress Plugin
The Revolution is here!
Create a responsive(mobile friendly) or fullwidth slider with
must-see-effects and meanwhile keep or build your SEO optimization (all
content always readable for search engines). See the heaps of custom
transitions/animations for each object on the page! Customize this
slider with our convenient drag&drop backend to your very needs.
This plugin features tons of unique transition effects, an image
preloader, video embedding, autoplay that stops on user interaction and
lots of easy to set options to create your own effects.- Version 4.6.5 SkyWood release Date 02.12.2014
- Wordpress 4.0 Ready
- jQuery 1.7.x – jQuery 1.10.x and jQuery 2.+ Compatible
- jQuery-only Version: Slider Revolution Responsive jQuery Plugin
- PrestaShop Version: Slider Revolution Responsive Prestashop Module
- Magento Version: Slider Revolution Responsive Magento Extension
- CSS Transitions with jQuery FallBack
- Fully Responsive (Optional) & Mobile Specific Features
- jQuery 1.7 – jQuery 2.x Supported
- Lightning Fast Greensock Animation Engine NEW
- Powerful API to Stop, Play, Swap Slides, etc.
- All Sizes Possible: Custom, Auto-Responsive, Full-Screen
- Variable or Fixed Image Height
- Image BG Cover, Contain, Tiling, Alignment, etc. NEW
- Custom Image Alt Tag for SEO NEW
- WYSIWYG Drag & Drop Editor with “Lock” Feature
- Easy Caption Alignment
- Published / Unpublished Slides NEW
- Lazy Loading for Quicker Slider Start
- Set Per Slide Link and Target
- Fullscreen YouTube , Vimeo and
- Self-Hosted HTML5 Videos
- Auto-Start for Videos On / Off
- Optional Shadow GFX below Slider
- Bullet, Button, Thumbnail Navigation
- Mobile Touch Enabled (Optional)
- “Stop Slide Timer on Hover” Function
- Video Playback stops Timer
- Auto-Hiding of Navigation with Delay Option
- Optional Countdown Timer Line
- Set the Position of Time Line
- Set Size and Number of Visible Thumbs
- Hide / Enable Navigation on Mobile Devices
- Keyboard Navigation NEW
- Import / Export Sliders
- Post Based Sliders
- Multi Language Support (WPML, .po, .mo)
- Multi Site (WPMU) Supported
- User Role Management
- Embed Plugin Library only when needed NEW
- Transition Builder: Huge Number of Possible Transitions
- Set Start / End Time and Speed of Captions
- Separate In / Out Transitions with Rotation, Scale, Skew, Opacity, Perspective, etc. NEW
- Add Unlimited Number of Captions
- Youtube, Vimeo, Self-Hosted HTML5 Videos as Caption
- Set link per Captions
- Option to Link to a Specific Slide via Caption
- Variable Caption Image Size
- Option to Hide Captions on Mobile Devices
- WYSIWYG Drag & Drop Editor
- Easy Caption Alignment
- Huge Variety of Basic, Flat, 3D Transitions
- Customizable Transition Speed (Individual / Global)
and at WPExplorer.com
“Revolution Slider is an all around awesome plugin, and would be a solid addition to any site.”
”...all I can say is WOW. I can honestly say that I haven’t had as much fun with, or been blown away by the quality and experience of any plugin/slider/website building tool in…ever??”
(Webdsignandsuch.com – “A look at the Revolution Slider – Steve Jobs would be proud”)
“This is my favourite Slider plugin right now – props to Theme Punch for bringing us this one.”
(Blogging Wizard)
“I thoroughly enjoyed testing and using this plugin, and highly recommend it to all those of you who are looking for a slider plugin, especially if you plan to include some layer-based animation features to your slides.”
(WP Mayor)
Recommendation #1
- Best WordPress Plugins – Digital Trends
- 30+ Useful WordPress Slider Plugins – Creative Can
- 35+ Premium WordPress Plugins – To Put You A Step Ahead – Tripwire Magazin
- 80 Amazing jQuery Slider and Carousel Plugins – Creative Can
- 30+ jQuery Image Slider Plugins and Tutorials – Tripwire Magazin
- 25+ Cool WordPress Slider Plugins – Creative Can
1 extended license for each theme (as long as there is no Developer License available) you put on the marketplace! If you have questions about this agreement please contact us:
- Slider Installation & First Steps
- Creating a new Slider
- Slider Layouts
- Post Based Slider
- Screencast showing how easy it is to work with our Revolution WordPress Slider: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aJyzmFBEHc via RubenBristian for his Ikaros Theme
Free Plugin to Check your installed ThemePunch Plugins for Update Status
we just put together a Tool/Plugin which helps you to identify if any action, like an urgent update need to be done. If you are not sure, or if you wish to have a tool installed which checks daily the status of your installed ThemePunch plugins, please download and install the “Punch-Guider” DOWNLOAD HERE.This tool allows you to dynamically check the installed ThemePunch Plugins in your WordPress installation. If one of your plugin needs an update, recommended or critical, it will inform you about this fact. It does not update your plugins, but it helps you to keep an eye on the plugin status and informs you if there is any action that you need to take.
Version 4.6.5 SkyWood (2nd December 2014)
BUGFIXES- Fixed Compatibility of Sandboxed GreenSock engine
- Fixed Compatibility issues with W3C Total Cache Minifying engine
- Fixed Static Layer Disappearing Issue
- Fixed Lazy Loading and Preloading issues (Distorted images in FireFox)
Version 4.6.4 SkyWood (27th November 2014)
NEW FEATURES- Added option to show only the Preview Image of a video on mobile, disabling the video
- Min. Height now gone if Fullscreen is selected
- Fixed an issue where the Parallax Effect if Mouse already hovered on the Slider in Firefox was not working well
- Fixed an issue where exports can have wrong styles in it
- Fixed Firefox HTML5 Video Playback
- Fixed Thumbnail Vertical Offset Positions in Resized Screens
Version 4.6.3 SkyWood (21th October 2014)
BUGFIXES- Fixed an issue where the Slide Link was not working correctly
Version 4.6.2 SkyWood (18th October 2014)
NEW FEATURES- Added “revkill” as method to remove the Slider from the page silently if needed
- Added “slideatend” event that triggers if the slide is at the end
- Changed import function for compatibility with some Windows Server machines (thanks to ThemeFuzz)
- Improved Slider import function for theme authors to make it more easy to insert demo slider through scripts
- Added scripts so that a Slider can be loaded in Essential Grid at Ajax loading (Essential Grid version 1.5 or later needed)
- Added new Custom Controls for HTML5 Video Player to avoid Chrome “unclickable” buttons issue
- Added Rotating Loop Animation on Layers
- Spinner can now be disabled in the Slider Settings
- New fallback options for iOS4 and IE8 added in the Slider Settings (Alternative Image and/or simplyfied output)
- Added option to redraw Slider on browser tab focus
- More changes on exporting Sliders for further compatibility
- Activating the plugin a second time will now no longer add default fonts again
- Saving CSS / a new CSS class through the style editor will now sanitize the classname
- Setting the single slide setting in the Slide Editor to off will now set the values Arrows Type and Bullets Type to none
- Improved minifying support
- Easy auto settings for single loop option
- Videos on mobile devices available again
- Minimized the styling output
- Improved output validation (style attribute scoped)
- Changed backend icon of static layers to avoid confusion
- Removed console=1 from the YouTube default settings (only works for new added YouTube video layers)
- Google Fonts will no longer be inserted after multiple plugin activation/deactivation
- Improved compatibility with databases
- Enabled unlimited speed parameter
- WPML Slides will now be exported properly and can be imported again
- Improved the size and style handling of Layers in Slide Editor (resizing, rotating and lost values of parameters)
- IE8 – line height “auto” broke the fullscreen slider. In case “auto” is set, the font size +4px will be calculated for line height
- z-index bug for first layer in case dotted overlay exists fixed
- SSL compatibility with Vimeo videos in the backend added
- Chrome’s max-width fallback from % to px. Slides accepting now only px values!
- Transition speed had no influence on real transitions
- Max transition can now have the same value as the max delay of the Slide
- Fixed missing Box Slide, Paper Cut and Box Fade transitions
- Further export compatibility for multisites
- Fix of Lists in Captions – Formatting and Display issues
- Link to Another Slide in Random Mode Bug linked to the wrong Slide Bug is fixed
- Undefined poster image on HTML5 videos fixed
- Fixed Vimeo/YouTube timings (delaying issues)
- Fixed KenBurn dotted overlay
- Fixed problem with loop animations
- Fixed navigation style issues
- Fixed Pan Zoom for mobile issues
- Fixed a bug where videos restarted on resize
- Fixed HTML5 video markup output
- Fixed a bug where hide slider on mobile did not work on certain devices
- Fixed a bug with speed parameters
- Fixed a bug where caption naming in layers list was not updating anymore
- Further IE8 compatibility by changing CSS styles
- Fixed boxfade and boxslide animations
- Fixed a bug where the first layer z-index was always placed behind the dotted overlay
- SSL compatibility with Vimeo API in the backend added
Version 4.6 SkyWood (25th August 2014)
NEW FEATURES- Option to disable each video on mobile
- Option to disable Pan Zoom on Mobile
- Option to disable Parallax on Mobile
- Randomized Animation from the Selected Animations available now
- New Offset option for the Scroll Below Function
- New Option to set Slider Min Height – Content will be vertical centered in case content container is smaller then min height of Slider
- New Loop Options for HTML5 Videos: none, loop and stop Slider Timer or Loop till Progress Bar reaches the End
- Alternative First Slide wins now, even if Random Slides is enabled
- Vimeo, YouTube and HTML5 Video can be added now via options on demand instead of preadding iFrames. This will avoid Preloads delays, and slow site loadings
- Using now tp-videolayer class for Videos to identificate Video Layers better
- Class “current-sr-slide-visible” added to the Slide “li” tag which is currently Visible
- Swipe Engine Change
- Swipe Treshold Option Default 75 – The number of pixels that the user must move their finger by before it is considered a swipe.
- Swipe Min Finger Default 1 – Min Finger (touch) used for swipe
- Drag Block Vertical Default false – Scroll Auto below Slider on Vertical Swipe on Slider
- YouTube Force Rewind fix
- YouTube Mute in Second Loop fix
- Added backwards compatibility for inline CSS with WordPress versions under 3.7
- Ken Burns Dotted Overlay was not visible
- IE8 Console Group Issue – Slider was not visible in IE8
- Looping Issues if Slides has been manually hanged after Loop Stopped
- Browser Tab Change -> Broken ELements fixed. Option for Slide Change on Blur Tab / Browser also available.
- Navigation Style Preview1- Preview4 Styling issues
- Power2 Error at some Animation
- Mouse Over on Loaded PArallax Slider issue – Slider will always play parallax effect, even if Mouse was already hovering the slider at laod
- IE8 and other Old MObile Devices Fall Back on simple Transitions. CAn be forced now
- HTML5, YouTube and Vimeo Video Playback fixes
Note !
In case you using also our Essential Grid and/or Shwobiz Pro Plugins, please do update also them to avoid incompatibility issues between the ThemePunch Tools !Version 4.5.95 SkyWood (16th July 2014)
CHANGES- Changed Animation Engine, improved Animation technology. Reduced file size, and added Timeline based transitions
- Fixed Flickering effects on mobile devices
- Fixed stuttering on animation with many layers
- Fixed Ken Burn animation failures after few Transition types
- Added Safari 3d Back to Transitions
- Fixed some broken Slide Transitions
- Fixed IE8 transition failres, fall back always on Fade
- Fixed Google 36 Updates issues
Version 4.5.9 SkyWood (7th July 2014)
NEW FEATURES- Drag and Rotate the Layer Content to set a 2D Rotation per element
- Drag and Resize Elements, images, Contents for better text breaks, and more flexibility
- Now also Split Animated Text content can be Rotated
- Added feature to allow Looped Animation and Rotated Content
- Reenabled Link ID, Class, Title and Rel in Slide Editor
- Fixed Vimeo First Auto Play issue
- Fixed unseletable elements in Locked Mode
- Fixed Output Failure if Rotated and Looped Animation has been selected
- Various Bug fix in Drag And Drop Editor
- Fix of Background Image if Screen size less Then Grid Width, postion of Elements and BG backend and frontend looked different
- Various Fixes for Mobile Styling. Broken Transitions, bad performance on Mobile devices
- Bug with Rotated Layers on Backend fixed
- Bug with MAx Width and Max Height of elements was not visible in Backend
- White Space Bugs – Backend was not displaying settings of White Spaces
- Ken Burn Images on backend was distorted if Window has been resized
Version 4.5.8 SkyWood (4th July 2014)
CHANGES- Reenabled Link ID, Class, Title and Rel in Slide Editor
Version 4.5.7 SkyWood (2nd July 2014)
NEW FEATURES- New Options in Global Settings, like Disable/Enable Hammer.js Plugin
- New Developer Option to Disable via the theme the Hammer.js Plugin (Avada Requests)
- Minimized Style Output in the Document, only used Layer Styles are really loaded
- Changed the Aq_Resize name to prevend conflicts with other themes that also use it and modified code in it
- Updated GreenSock Engine to 12.1
- Protected Mode for GreenSock for ThemePunch Plugins added. No more conflict between any other plugins / themes and ThemePunch Tools
- Lag Smoothing Enabled
Version 4.5.6 SkyWood (25th June 2014)
NEW FEATURES- New developer option to disable all notifications and the activation area. More information at http://www.themepunch.com/home/plugins/set-revolution-slider-as-theme/
- Added missing fonts from Punch Fonts into the CSS Editor Font Family dropdown
- Fullscreen Layout Without Offset Heights got the Wrong Height
Version 4.5.5 SkyWood (24th June 2014)
NEW FEATURES- Option to disable parallax on mobile added
- Option to add an offset in px or % to FullScreen Slider
- Two new Slide transitions: Parallax Vertical and Parallax Horizontal
- Export Slider into HTML. Option availble first when Feature enabled under Global Settings
- Static Layers now have to be enable in each Slider for usage (can be found in General Settings tab)
- onChange Event delivers the Slide Index and the Slide jQuery Object now
- Global option JavaScript into footer now also adds the revslider calls into the footer
- Lazy Loading bug in combination with Static Layers fixed
- “Hide Slider Under” option did not redraw the Layers after Resize. Bug is fixed
- YouTube Video Bug with Overlay Image on Mobile Devices.
- IE8 and IE9 Slide Link Bug Fixed
- Output Filters Protection fix for “By Compressing Output”
Version 4.5.4 SkyWood (16th June 2014)
NEW FEATURES- Static Layers added. Can be found under Slide List (new button called “Edit Static Layers”)
- Possibility added to insert id, class, attr and i.e. own data attributes to each specific Slide
- Inline CSS compressed/minimized now in output
- Layers sometimes not fading out fixed
Version 4.5.3 SkyWood (13th June 2014)
BUGFIXES- IE jQuery bugfix
- Responsive Through All Levels fixed where checkbox would be always checked on each element after reload of Slide Editor
Version 4.5.2 SkyWood (10th June 2014)
NEW FEATURES- data-parallaxoffset attribute is now available and updated on Scroll. This value can be interesting for Developers to read current Parallax Offsets of the elements with the jQuery selector .tp-parallax-container (Possible usage for Blur, Fade, Rotation effects based on the values)
- Thumbnail is not Showing has been fixed
- Choosen Global Settings now correctly set again
- Shortcode dropdown selector will now insert the right shortcode
- Auto Play only First Time on Videos (YouTube and Vimeo) did not work well.
- Imported layers will be stripped of slashes now
Version 4.5.01 SkyWood (06th June 2014)
BUGFIXES- Fixed a bug where new Slider & Template Slider button is missing
Version 4.5.0 SkyWood (05th June 2014)
NEW FEATURES- Improved Backend Functionality
- Added a timeline based editor for better & easier handling of layer times
- Loop Effect now available. Choose between four loop types for each layer in the Slide Editor under “Layer Animations”
- Parallax Effect now available. Enable it in Slider Settings in the Parallax Tab and set your desired level of each layer in Slide Settings
- Parallax on Mouse Movement Added
- Parallax on Scroll Added with Background fixed or Scrolled Options
- PArallax on Mobile Device Tilt
- qTranslate is now supported in layers
- Added filter hook called ‘revslider_get_posts’ that can be used to manipulate the WP_Query array
- New Grid/Snap functionality in Slide Editor for better positioning of elements
- Punch Fonts are now included. This should now be used if google fonts need to be loaded through the Slider Revolution plugin
- Option added to not load the Slider on Mobile devices
- 2D rotation options added to layers in Slide Editor
- New navigation types called preview1, preview2, preview3, preview4 and custom
- Custom CSS and JavaScript can now be added directly in each Slider
- Placeholder of Slider at Page load will be auto generated. No more Jump Vertically during Slider is loading
- Added Performance Boost optional, where Outgoing Layers first animated before next slide is played. Helps if many layers added to one Slide
- Reburn of Pan Zoom Effect on FullScreen, FullWidth and Boxed layout with a complete new Engine
- Check if more then one instance of Slider Revolution exists.
- Added support for spaces in putRevSlider(“newslider2014”,”2,10”) like putRevSlider(“newslider2014”,”2, homepage”)
- Added check if hammer.js is already included
- Added allowfullscreen=”true” into YouTube video iFrame output
- Using now Aqua Resizer for thumbnail generation
- Pagination added to the Slide Overview page
- Added Sorting of Slides based on names or Shortcode in Slider Overview page
- Video ID of YouTube and Vimeo can now be changed on editing a layer
- Added notification on post based slider if the template slider does not have any slides created
- Removed the JavaScript inside of the href attribute of buttons from the Slide Editor
- Fixed a bug where Template Sliders would change to normal Sliders
- Fixed a bug where layer positions in slide editor where not correctly calculated if the layer had a padding or margin.
- white-space and max-width/max-height are now correctly shown in Slide Editor
- Fix for importing where \n was translated to n
- Visible Last slide at Loading fixed
- Visible Navigation Elements on Load fixed
Version 4.3.8 SkyWood (27th April 2014)
BUGFIXES- BugFix for Shortcode Selector in WordPress 3.9 that happens on toggle between text & visual button
- added px to height css in fullwidth Sliders
Version 4.3.7 SkyWood (17th April 2014)
BUGFIXES- Select ShortCodes are now back in Posts on WordPress 3.9
- Ken Burns Double Start after changing the slide
Version 4.3.6 SkyWood (14th April 2014)
CHANGES- Ken Burns and Pan Zoom Effect Engine Change. Animation based on Img rotations and Zooms, Transitions instead of Background animation. Due this change the Aniamtions become really Smooth and Clean.
- Fixed some compability issues with custom captions
Version 4.3.5 SkyWood (09th April 2014)
CHANGES- Decreased Loading Time of Styles due loading styles Inline in Header (based on WordPress Best Practices)
- Fixed Click and Taps bugs on Elements in Slider viewing Slider in Mobile Devices
- Fixed Positions of Videos after leaving Fullscreen Video Playback
- Fixed Element Transitions by clicking Next/previous Slider before Elements has been shown. Currently Not Visible Elements will not show up suddenly any more.
Version 4.3.4 SkyWood (07th April 2014)
CHANGES- Changed Backend Style of Style Editor
- Added Swipe Up & Down to scroll below or above the slider on Mobile Devices
- Fixed Color Picker in Backend Editor
Version 4.3.3 SkyWood (27th March 2014)
CHANGES- Changed the validation process to meet the envato requirements
- KenBurn effect “End Position” fix if percentage is choosen
Version 4.3.2 SkyWood (25th March 2014)
NEW FEATURES- Added Option keyboardNavigation to allow Navigation with left/right arrows
- Removed video-js plugin and added Browser Native HTML5 Video Player
- Added stripslashes to the import process to the layers
- Added multisite custom css fix
- Fixed HTML5 Video Loading issues
- Fixed Android Device Swipe Feature
Version 4.3.1 SkyWood (21th March 2014)
CHANGES- Changed the activation text
- Fix for Thumbnail generating on some installations
Version 4.3 SkyWood (18th March 2014)
BUGFIXES- Fix if Slider does not load after Touch Option is Disabled
- MultiSite export fix on some installations.
Version 4.2.7 SkyWood (18th March 2014)
NEW FEATURES- Added Options like Swipe Velocity, Swipe Min/Max Touches
- Added Drag Block Vertical option to prevent verticall scroll if needed. Default (false)
- BugFix for FireFox Timer Line – Visibilty of Timer was ignored in Firefox and IE
- BugFix for checking for new updates
- BugFix for event manager, dates will now be correctly translated if they are not english
Version 4.2.6 SkyWood (17th March 2014)
NEW FEATURES- New Slider Setting option: Hide Mobile Nav After in Mobile Visibility Tab
- Calculation of forceFullScreenAlign Positions. Resized Positions are More exact
- Replacement of rel=0 in youtube video layer disabled
- Added Hide Slider under “window width” for all type of Slider Layouts. Slider is stopped / started depends on the Window size also
- Hide Timer Bug has been fixed
- Small multisite export/import adjustments
- Small general export/import adjustments
- Missing static-captions.css text in console on slider preview removed
- YouTube: Hide Controls do now work
- YouTube/Vimeo allow now to insert direct URL or ID
- YouTube rel=0 fix
- YouTube iOS Fix for Replaying videos on 2nd Call
- StopOnHover set to 1 Bug has been fixed
- Backend Speed improvements on some hosters
Version 4.2.5 SkyWood (12th March 2014)
BUGFIXES- Slide Link zIndex issues and Slide Link Resizing issues fixed
- Individual Slide Timer has been fixed. Broken since version 4.2.4
Version 4.2.4 SkyWood (10th March 2014)
CHANGES- Updated Russian Translation / Language Pack
- Improved Plugin Processes, Removed Script Intervals and Timers for Better CPU Management (30-50% less CPU Usage)
Version 4.2.3 SkyWood (3th March 2014)
BUGFIXES- BugFix in Russian Language causing the error “setting layer_caption not found”
Version 4.2.2 SkyWood (28th February 2014)
BUGFIXES- In case HTML5 Video Js Loads later then Meta of Video will not fire the Auto Play Option
- Changed update check. In some situations user will not see that a new update is available.
Version 4.2.1 SkyWood (27th February 2014)
BUGFIXES- Fixed YouTube Api, changed youtube api load to permanent Https
- Fixed HTML5 Video Preload. A Waiting process added for Video JS and Stream preloads
- Fixed Vimeo API Preloads
- Fixed “Unclickable” Notice for Auto Updates and Premium Support
Version 4.2 SkyWood (25th February 2014) including Security Fix
NEW FEATURES- New Activation process added
- New Automatic Updates process added
- Added Char, Word and Line Based Text animation to improve the Visual Experience on the Layer Animations
- Added 5 Different Loader Spinner with Live Preview Selector
- Added a new Shortcode type. Now [rev_slider slider_alias] and also [rev_slider alias=”slider_alias”] works.
- Added polish language thanks to Dawid Dudek (www.supportitc.pl)
- Meta Box for RevSlider now available in all Custom Post Types
- Added remove Thumbnail in Slide Editor
- Added white-space, maxwidth and maxheight options
- Improved Loading Speed. Slider loads over 1-2 sec quicker than before.
- Improved Lazy Loading, to load Images and Layer images on demand. Intelligent Preloading of next slide Elements.
- Removed function mysql_insert_id() that will be deprecated in php version 5.5.x
- Auto Thumbnail Function, small copy of Slider Image, or Colorer BG used as Default.
- Fixed Security Issue
- Fixed YouTube Api
- CSS editor bugfix where custom styles were set into other choosen layers
- Added missing argument for WPML, this enables WPML functionality in using the specific post feature
- Small adjustment for css editor that caused problems on some installations
- Check if ssl on external jquery library & css include
- Fixed Overlapping layers if Mixed Align Mode used in Slide
- Fixed Pause/Resume function if Navigation elements has been hovered.
- MultiSite Style Settings – Minor Workaround added till next Major Release
Version 4.1.4 Sky Wood Release Date 20.12.2013
- Feature: ID, Class, Title & Rel attribute for Links on images added
- Feature: Added files so that google does not index internal files
- Change: German language files recreated
- Change: instead of a fatal error, the none existence of ZipArchive will now give a more gently message
Version 4.1.3 Sky Wood Release Date 15.12.2013
- Change: Imported images through slider import create now also the thumbnails
- Bug fix: stripslashes problem in global styles at slider imports fixed
- Bug fix: multisite import of slider now correctly imports images
- Bug fix: selecting thumbnails/video overlays now work on multisites
Version 4.1.2 Sky Wood Release Date 12.12.2013
- Change: Deleting Posts inside a Post Slider will now trash instead of deleting them
- Bug fix: Fixed a z-index issue where the-events-calendar set the jquery-ui-dialog overlay over the Slider Revolution Dialogs
- Bug Fix: Http / Https loading of API’S in the right format depending on the current URL
- Bug Fix: Issue solved with the HTML5 Video Sizing
- Bug Fix: YouTube Api does not work without the origin=http://yourdomain any more !!
- The slider adds this now automatically on every YouTube video.
- NOTE: Please note that this only works on live servers and not local installations.
- For example: autoplay will not work on local machines but on your live servers
Version 4.1.1 Sky Wood Release Date 06.12.2013
- Feature: New API Method: rev redraw for Redrawing the current Slide in case, slider is included some animated container.
- Feature: New tab in Slider Settings: Reset Options.
- Reset all Transitions of this Slider to a choosen one
- Reset all Transition Durations of this Slider to a choosen one
- Feature: New Dropdown on Post/Pages for revslider Shortcodes (found in Visual mode of Editor)
- Change: New button in Slide Edit mode to go back to Slide List of Slider
- Bug fix: Remove of Aspect Ratio and Dotted Overlay if Cover was not choosen in HTML5 Videos
- Bug fix: Fixed a bug on import of Slider where custom arrows might break
- Bug fix: Fixed a bug for Missing static-captions.css
- Bug fix: Fixed FF and IE10 Animation issues
- Bug fix: Fixed Wrong calculated Center positions if Caption has CSS3 Animations associated
Version 4.1 Sky Wood Release Date 29.11.2013
- Feature: Ken Burns Effect (align start/end) bg Fit (start/end), Speed and easing
- Feature: Min Height for Fullscreen Sliders
- Feature: HTML5 Videos with new functions
- Feature: Cover the Slide with whole HTML5 Video screen (no black borders)
- Feature: Dotted Overlay on HTML5 Videos with cover & slide backgrounds
- Feature: Dotted Overlay on Background Images (global setting)
- Feature: Mute option on Videos
- Feature: Force Rewind of Videos on slide change
- Change: Fallback to old export if zip extension is not installed on server
- Bug fix: Post meta tag fix for plugin: Types – Complete Solution for Custom Fields and Types
- Bug fix: IE8 Image Dimension Issues. Fall Back on Simple Image aligned instead of Background Images
Version 4.0.6 Sky Wood Release Date 14.11.2013
- Bug fix: Force Fullwidth Offsets
- Bug fix: Added FF Protection for 3d Animated Elements
- Bug fix: Update GreenSock Engine with Protection for FF25 Aniamtions
- Bug fix: IE8 HALO Effect Solved
Version 4.0.5 Sky Wood Release Date 13.11.2013
- Feature: New Background-Image options in slider settings under Appearance Tab
- Feature: Usage of placeholder link and meta:somemeta for Slide Link in General Slide Settings
- Change: Added fallback for dynamic-captions.css (if not writable, load captions.php instead)
- Bug fix: Fixed a bug where no layers could be added to Slides
- Bug fix: Fixed a bug where Post Sliders do not show the correct thumbnails in navigation
- Bug fix: Fixed a few texts for better multilanguage support
Version 4.0.4 Sky Wood Release Date 11.11.2013
- Bug fix: inserted two missing functions
Version 4.0.3 Sky Wood Release Date 08.11.2013
- Change: the option Responsive Through All Levels in layers is now checked as default
- Change: set default background-position of main slide image to center top
- Bug fix: bug in interpreting the css fixed
- Bug fix: fixed a bug that occures on some video layers and that may brake the edit slide page
- Bug fix: fixed a bug with Post Sliders not being shown with the template Slider styles
Version 4.0.2 Sky Wood Release Date 07.11.2013
- Bug fix: WPML was not working correctly, fixed “Wrong Request” bug
Version 4.0.1 Sky Wood Release Date 06.11.2013
- Change: add revision to css/js files to prevent caching issues
Version 4.0 Sky Wood Release Date 04.11.2013
Introducing- New Live Style Editor (Simple and Advanced)
- Custom Caption Creator
- Introducing: Live Caption Animation Viewer in Editor
- Introducing: Export Feature (with Images and Static/Dynamic Styles and with Custom Animations)
- Introducing: New Main Image Aligns, Repeating and Sizing (like center,center, repeat-x,y,no, cover and container and many more)
- Introducing: New Layout Viewer ( to see differences between, fullwidth, fullscreen, custom)
- Only Styles are loaded which used in Current Slides
- Feature: template slider for post slider added
- Feature: allow external images as slide backgrounds
- Feature: new options for videos
- Feature: many other new options added
- Feature: added relpace url’s neer export / import slider
- Feature: new options for hiding thumbs/bullets/arrows on mobile
- Feature: new option force fill width in autoresponsive mode
- Feature: id, class, rel tag can be set for each element
- Feature: alt tag for images can be set
- Feature: layers can now be locked
- Feature: layer images can now be resized
- Feature: Added new Flat Transitions
- Feature: Added FullScreen and FullWidth Forcing in Boxed Themes
- Feature: Added Thumbnail for Videos
- Feature: Tooltip for Titles
- Feature: Shadow Prelayouts
- Feature: Move Tabs to Change Slide Order
- Feature: Published / Unpublished Slides also Date / Time Dependent
- Feature: Loop and Controlless HTML5 Videos
- Feature: Play Video only First Time, then Hold
- Feature: Linear Resizing of Thumbs
- Feature: Unlimited Containers for Offsetting Fullscreen Height
- Change: Style of Backend in Flat Style
- Change: Much cleaner interface
- Change: Load Plugins and Revolution Slider splitter, dependent on Other Plugins
- Change: Jquery.themepunch.revolution.min.js loads now in the footer (Optional)
- Change: Main transitions are now listed in flat and premium transitions
Bug Fixs:
- Bug fix: many small/mayor bug fixes
- Bug fix: added error messages on some situations in slider by post view.
- Bug fix: fixed css bug that made the screens overlap with wordpress error messages
- Bug fix: fixed image positioning in edit layers js file
- Bug fix: fixed images url’s output in https websites
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