Latest Version 6.2 – January 24, 2015
WordPress 4.1 Ready
BeTheme is the best product we ever did. This is more than just WordPress theme. Such advanced options panel and Drag&Drop builder tool give unlimited possibilities. To show you how theme works, we have created 15 thematic websites so you can see how amazing this product is.WooCommerce 2.1+ Ready
It can not be described with any words. You must see it!
Be is full of different pre-defined demos so you can easily import any demo website within seconds at 1 click. Constantly we add new demos at users requests. So far we created websites for: electric, veterinarian, loan agency, charity agency, sitter, moving company, barber, health magazine, book writer, plumber, art agency, interior design company, webmaster, application, seo agency, university, event company, developer, car rental, band, gym, designer, marketing agency, hosting company, travel agency, real estate company, photographer, renovator, small business company, hotel, mechanic, lawyer, school, shop and much more. If you have own idea for great homepage, please do not hestitate and tell us about that. We consider all your ideas!
78 thematic demos
- Be|Theme
- Be|960px Blogger
- Be|Agency
- Be|App
- Be|Architect
- Be|Art
- Be|Baker
- Be|Band
- Be|Barber
- Be|Beauty
- Be|Black&White
- Be|Book
- Be|Business
- Be|CarRental
- Be|Charity
- Be|Church
- Be|Cleaner
- Be|Creative
- Be|Design
- Be|Developer
- Be|DJ
- Be|Driving
- Be|Electric
- Be|Energy
- Be|Estate
- Be|Event
- Be|Fit
- Be|Furniture
- Be|Gym
- Be|Hotel
- Be|Hosting
- Be|Insurance
- Be|Interior
- Be|IT Service
- Be|Jeweler
- Be|Landing
- Be|Language School
- Be|Launch
- Be|Lawyer
- Be|Loans
- Be|Marketing
- Be|Mechanic
- Be|Medic
- Be|Model
- Be|Moving
- Be|Museum
- Be|Onepage
- Be|Parallax
- Be|Party
- Be|Photo
- Be|Pizza
- Be|Plumber
- Be|Pole Dance
- Be|Politics
- Be|Portfolio
- Be|PR Agency
- Be|Press
- Be|Records
- Be|Renovate
- Be|Restaurant
- Be|Resume
- Be|School
- Be|Security
- Be|SEO
- Be|Shop
- Be|Sitter
- Be|Sketch
- Be|Spa
- Be|Tattoo
- Be|Tourist
- Be|Transport
- Be|Travel
- Be|University
- Be|Vet
- Be|Vision
- Be|Webmaster
- Be|Wedding
- Be|Yoga
- 4 different grid layouts: 1240px Boxed, 960px Boxed, 1240px Full Width, 960px Full Width
- Widgetized Top Area (click on arrow in right top corner to see how it works)
- Awesome Layouts Generator
- unlimited layouts for pages
- choose between different logos, headers, layouts, grids or skins
- basically this option allow to create unlimited totally different pages around one website/domain
- Unlimited menus (you can choose different menus for different pages)
- Customizable entry effects on scroll (choose between 22 different entry effects)
- Custom Font Uploader (upload any font you want and use for website)
- 7 different header versions (Modern, Classic, Stack: Left, Stack: Center, Stack: Right, Simple & Empty)
- Under Construction / Maintenance Mode & Blank Page
- 12 predefined skins
- One page website possibility with nice scroll effect
- Smooth & reliable parallax effect – click here to see example
- 1 Click Skin Generator
- Over 200 Muffin Builder and shortcodes items included
- WooCommerce ready – create own e-commerce store
- WordPress Multilingual Ready – build multilingual website
- Built-in translator
Mega Menu
- Setup rows and columns
- Use titles under columns or not
- Icons in menu items are available
- Muffin Builder splitted on sections
- Sticky Header – can be turned on/off from admin panel
- Fully Responsive – just check how great it works on mobile devices
- Retina Ready – Looks great on tablets and mobile devices
- Tap To Call for mobile devices
Contact Form 7 plugin included and styled for theme
- Set up as many different forms as you want
- Choose between things like Captcha, checkboxes, select inputs and much more…
- Most Popular form plugin all around the world
Revolution Slider included – $19 value
- Sliders can be set up for each page
- 100% fully responsive & swipe enabled
- Choose between 24 different transitions for each slide
- Choose between full-width & boxed layout (960px or 1240px)
- Youtube & Vimeo videos support
- Set slider controls, animation times, shadows, thumbnails and much more…
- Drag & Drop captions
- Unlimited slides
- Set up any slides you want (image/images, video/videos, flying objects, text, Buttons, links, backgrounds and whatever you can imagine)
Awesome Drag & Drop Muffin Builder
- Fast & Easy to use
- Available for Pages, Posts and Portfolio
- Over 40 items included with many different layouts (over 200 different looking items in total)
- Change sizes, positions and much more…
Amazing Muffin Options
- Change color for each element you see
- Choose between 4 predefined skins or create your own
- Turn on/off responsive version by one click
- Choose layout (boxed or full width)
- Change phone & email in header withing seconds
- Choose between different layouts with one click
- Turn on/off Sticky Header Menu
- Use built-in SEO fields
- Unlimited sidebars
- Choose fonts for each text on page (you can use Latin, Cyrilic and many other types of font)
- Built-in translator (translate anything you want on page with our built-in translator)
- Choose between backgrounds images, colors, etc.
- Upload logo & favicon in few seconds
- Blog options support
- Portfolio options support
- Custom CSS support
- and much more…
- Visual Composer plugin with frontend and backend editor included ($28 value)
- 3 Different Blog Layouts
- 4 Different Portfolio Layouts
- Translation ready – with included .po /.mo files or our built-in translator
- Child Theme compatible
- Fully customizable – easily change the color of nearly every element you see
- Over 300 vector icons included
- Easy to use for any type of website
- 100% Responsive Design (turn it on/off by one click)
200+ Shortcodes (include Muffin Builder items and text shortcodes)
- Easy & fast to configure
- Choose between columns, maps, our team, blockquotes, buttons and much more…
- Your page will be ready within few minutes
Tested compatibility with
- Spot.IM chat plugin
- WP Mobile Detect
- 600+ Google Fonts included
SEO ready
- Built-in SEO fields (use them or turn them off)
- Compatible with plugins like All in One SEO or Yoast
Many pre-configured Pages
- Contact page
- About us page
- Carrers page
- Error 404 page
- Features page
- Gallery page
- Help center page
- How it works page
- Our team page
- Press page
- Pricing page
- Sidebar page
- and much more…
- Unlimited sidebars for pages
7 built-in custom widgets
- Recent Tweets
- Muffin Flickr
- Muffin Menu
- Muffin Recent Comments
- Muffin Recent Posts
- Muffin Tag Cloud
- Revolution Slider widget
- Subheader background images support
- Custom logo, Retina logo & favicon support
- Dedicated subpages
- Google Maps support
- Grid Based Layout
- Social media icons
- Custom footer menu
- Built-in breadcrumbs
- HTML5 / CSS3
- Cross browser compatible
- Clean commented code
- Full compatible with Wordpress 3.9, 4.0 and 4.1
- Full documentation included
- HD Narrated videos
- 18 PSD files with UI Kit included
- Layered homepage PSD-file included into package
- XML file with demo content
- Free & outstanding support for customers
Please note: Images and icons used in our demo site are not included to the theme package.
To help all our customers we already started with the support forum. It`s main advantage is the ability to easily search all the content and adding attachments. Before add a post on forum you need to register (Item Purchase Code is necessary).
We offer support for our customers Mon-Fri 8:00am-6:00pm (GMT +1) – we are located in Europe. We reply on all questions within 24 hours (forums, tickets, private messages).
If you have any problems with registration please use contact form in right bottom section of our profile. We inform also that we`re not replying on support question in comments.
Support forum: http://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme
Version 6.2 - January 24, 2015 * Added: Blog News - Item & Shortcode * Added: Subheader - Option to show on pages with Slider * Fixed: Sidebar Width select * Fixed: Header Creative - Subheader * Fixed: Events Calendar plugin - Content padding * Updated: Visual Composer - version 4.4.1 * Updated: TGM Plugin Activation - version 2.4 * Demos: Parallax, Cleaner, IT Services - bbpress.php - functions.php - header.php - sidebar-blog.php - sidebar-taxonomy.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive-960.css - css/responsive-1240.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/variables.css - functions/css/mfn.builder.css - functions/importer - functions/js/mfn.builder.js - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php - functions/meta-functions.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - functions/theme-woocommerce.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/js_composer.zip We recommend that you update the entire theme directory. Version 6.1 - January 17, 2015 * Added: Header - Split Menu Style * Added: Section - Inner Columns - Flat Style (option to remove all margins) * Added: Single Post - Layout select for all posts * Added: Icons - 77 new icons (410 available) * Added: Social Icons - Viadeo * Added: Portfolio Photo Item - Link target * Added: Map Item - Option to remove border * Improved: Muffin Pagination * Updated: Translation Files - .po\.mo * Fixed: Header Stack - Sticky Header - placeholder height * Demos: Renovate, Jeweler - footer.php - functions.php - style-colors.php - style.css - css/grid.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - fonts - functions/importer - functions/js/mfn.builder.js - functions/meta-functions.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-menu.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/header-creative.php - includes/header-top-area.php - js/scripts.js - languages - muffin-options/fields/icon/field_icon.php - muffin-options/img/select/header-split.png * - muffin-options/theme-options.php * new file We recommend that you update the entire theme directory. Version 6.0 - January 11, 2015 * Added: Buttons - Stroke Style * Added: White Label Admin Panel (see the documentation) * Added: Portfolio - Single Project - Force Layout & Sidebar * Added: Portfolio - Active Category Highlight * Added: Portfolio - jQuery filtering - Open category by link (portfolio/?cat=category-slug) * Added: Blog - Single Post - Option to disable Featured Image zoom * Added: Sliding Top - Icon select * Added: Fancy Heading Item - More builder sizes * Improved: Pingdom Website Speed Test - 99/100 * Improved: Structured Data - hCard * Fixed: Blog - Timeline - Post width * Fixed: Button - compatibility with other items with prettyphoto class * Fixed: Revolution Slider - Static Layers - z-index * Fixed: Translate - Search Placeholder - textdomain * Fixed: Translate - Post Navigation - date * Plugins: Compatibility tested Custom Login 2.4 - Custom Login Screen * Updated: Child Theme * Demos: Creative, Records - functions.php - screenshot.png - sidebar.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - taxonomy-portfolio-types.php - template-portfolio.php - css/skins/.../style.css - css/base.css - css/buttons.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - functions/css/mfn.builder.css - functions/importer - functions/js/mfn.builder.js - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/content-post.php - includes/content-single.php - includes/header-creative.php - includes/header-sliding-area.php - includes/header-top-area.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/options.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme directory. Version 5.9 - January 3, 2015 * Added: Image Item & Shortcode - Width & Height * Added: Main menu - Option to hide main menu * Added: prettyPhoto - Option to show image alternative text above frame * Added: Slider Item - More builder sizes * Improved: RTL - Portfolio, Blog & Shop - Masonry * Fixed: Portfolio - Ajax Load More - isotope reLayout * Fixed: Blog - Password Protected Posts * Fixed: Single Post - Tags - PHP Notice * Fixed: Shop - Cart - Product name color on hover * Fixed: RTL - Minor CSS Fixes * Demos: Hosting, Politics, Pole Dance Version 5.8 - December 27, 2014 * Added: Blog Category - Custom Sidebars * Added: Portfolio Category - Custom Sidebars * Added: Google Map Item & Shortcode - Unlimited Markers * Added: Pricing Item & Shortcode - Icon select * Added: Portfolio - Option to disable project details * Fixed: Header Creative - Error 404, Under Construction & Blank Page * Fixed: Shop - Category - Layout * Fixed: RTL - Main Menu - 3rd level * Fixed: Portfolio Category - without description * Updated: Visual Composer - version 4.3.5 * Demos: Marketing, Launch, Energy Version 5.7 - December 20, 2014 * Added: Google Fonts - Specify which Style should be downloaded - Impact on page load time * Added: Shop - Grid 4 Columns Layout * Added: Shop - List Layout - 1 Column with excerpt * Improved: WordPress 4.1 Compatibility * Fixed: Responsive - Header Creative - Action Button * Fixed: Gallery & Image Frame with prettyphoto - compatibility * Fixed: Shop - Single Product - Minor CSS Fixes * Demos: Design, Tattoo, Yoga Version 5.6 - December 13, 2014 * Added: Error 404 - Custom Page * Added: Under Construction - Custom Page * Added: Creative Header - Banner * Added: Theme Options - RTL Support * Added: WPML Languages Flags - Horizontal Style & option to hide * Added: Shop Slider Item - Featured & Onsale Products * Improved: Responsive - Header Creative Always Open * Updated: Retina.js - version 1.3.0 * Fixed: Responsive - Boxed Layout & Classic Header * Fixed: Shop - Minor CSS Fixes * Plugins: Compatibility tested Global Content Blocks 2.0.1 - Custom Shortcodes WordPress Icons - SVG 2.3.3 - option to Import a Custom Icon Pack * Demos: Event, Insurance, Driving School Version 5.5 - December 6, 2014 * Added: Newsletter - MailChimp plugin * Added: Section - Inner Columns - margin bottom * Added: Section - Background Image - Option to disable in responsive mode * Added: Single Post - Option to hide Featured Image in post details * Added: Google Font Shortcode - Font color, style & weight * Added: Video Item & Shortcode - YouTube & Vimeo - Custom parameters * Improved: One Page Menu * Improved: Subheader - Option to show\hide (php instead of css) * Improved: Import Demo Data - Multisite * Updated: Revolution Slider - version 4.6.5 * Fixed: Password Protected - Posts & Pages * Fixed: Gallery & Call to Action with prettyphoto - compatibility * Fixed: Shop - Single Product - Up-Sell Products layout * Plugins: Compatibility tested MailChimp List Subscribe Form MailChimp for WordPress * Demos: Blogger, Vision, Version 5.4 - November 29, 2014 * Added: Theme Hooks * Added: Subheader Transparency Level * Added: Portfolio - Link to Popup Image instead of Details * Added: Prefix for CSS Files IDs * Improved: Sticky Header with Minimalist Header * Fixed: Menu - Minor PHP Notice * Fixed: bbPress - Single forum * Removed: Header - Default Background (can be uploaded from theme \images folder) * Removed: Portfolio - Entrance Animation * Updated: Isotope - version 2.1 * Updated: Revolution Slider - version 4.6.4 * Demos: Medic, PR Agency, Model Version 5.3 - November 22, 2014 * Added: Portfolio - Single Project - Layout Select * Added: Blog - Single Post - Navigate in the same category * Added: Shop - Single Product - Up-Sell Products * Added: Shop - Single Product - Product Variations - image swapping * Fixed: Internet Explorer 11 - Theme Options - Image Select * Fixed: Creative Header - Responsive Menu Button Text * Fixed: H6 - Font Family * Fixed: Skins - Muffin Menu - Active * Updated: Translation Files - .po/.mo * Demos: Press, Baker, Language School Version 5.2 - November 15, 2014 * Added: Sidebar - Custom Width select * Added: Subheader - Title & Breadcrumbs Styles * Added: Content Display Order - Muffin Builder or WordPress Content * Added: Counter Item & Shortcode - Symbol next to number, e.g. % * Added: Hover Effects - Option to disable in responsive mode * Fixed: Portfolio - Masonry Flat - Item Height * Fixed: WP Version check issue * Fixed: Google Fonts naming issue * Fixed: Minor PHP Notices * Demos: Beauty, Furniture, Security Version 5.1 - November 8, 2014 * Added: Popup Contact Form * Added: Page Title - Font Family select * Added: Portfolio - Flat 4 Columns Layout * Added: Portfolio - Single Project - Comments * Added: Portfolio - Image and Title Link target * Added: Shop - Masonry Layout with short description * Added: Shop - Slider for Category and Single Product * Added: Shop - Single Product - "Show all" translation * Added: New Google Fonts - now 676 fonts available * Improved: Responsive Off - Menu style * Fixed: Sidebar Height * Updated: Translation Files - .po/.mo * Demos: Portfolio, Architect, Museum Version 5.0.1 - November 3, 2014 * Fixed: Main Menu - Active Version 5.0 - November 1, 2014 * Added: Google Maps API v3 Styled Maps * Added: Single Post & Portfolio Item - Header Image * Added: Our Team Item & Shortcode - vCard Icon * Added: Blog - Content can be added above projects list * Added: Blog - Category Page - Category description or Blog Page Content * Added: Portfolio - Content can be added above projects list * Added: Portfolio - Category Page - Category description or Portfolio Page Content * Added: prettyPhoto - option to disable if you use other plugin * Added: Shop - Header Cart Icon select * Added: Subheader - Option to show/hide * Improved: SSL support for attachment images * Improved: niceScroll - Pages with short content * Improved: Shop - Single Product - H# tags optimization * Improved: Shop - Add to cart shortcode - styles * Updated: Translation Files - .po/.mo * Updated: Revolution Slider - version 4.6.3 * Plugins: WooCommerce 2.2.8 - compatibility * Demos: Electric, Vet, Loans Version 4.8.2 - October 30, 2014 * Fixed: Accordion & Tabs - Content save Version 4.8.1 - October 28, 2014 * Added: Muffin Builder - Option to show/hide builder for everyone * Added: Prettyphoto popup size for iframe video * Fixed: Importer: Minor PHP Fixes * Fixed: Sticky Menu Button on mobile - z-index * Fixed: Visual Editor Item Version 4.8 - October 24, 2014 * Added: One Page Menu with Active on Scroll * Added: Muffin Builder - Insert Shortcode button for textarea fields * Added: Portfolio - Option to show Project Title instead of Hover Icons * Added: Header - Background Attachment - Fixed & Parallax * Added: Shop - List - Product Ratings * Fixed: Accordion, FAQ & Tabs - List styles * Fixed: Hover Box - Hidden Photo size * Fixed: Shop - Checkout - Minor CSS Fixes Version 4.7 - October 18, 2014 * Added: Slider Plugin - Builder Item * Added: Map Item & Shortcode - Custom Marker Icon upload * Added: Social Icons - Option to open link in new window * Added: Sticky Menu Button on mobile * Added: WPML String Translation - Social Icons * Added: WooCommerce - Single Product - prettyPhoto gallery * Updated: Child Theme * Fixed: Sticky Header - Retina Logo * Fixed: Header Below Slider & Layer Slider * Plugins: Compatibility tested Spot.IM WooCommerce - WooCommerce Point of Sale WP Mobile Detect Version 4.6 - October 11, 2014 * Added: 5 & 6 Columns Grid * Added: Social Menu - separated for Header & Footer * Added: Comments for Pages * Added: Logo - Enable/Disable link to homepage * Added: Schema.org - new markups * Added: Map Item - Additional description * Improved: Clients Item - unified logo size * Fixed: Content WP Item - List style * Fixed: Our Team Item - Circle style in Chrome Version 4.5 - October 4, 2014 * Added: Blog & Portfolio - Ajax Load More * Added: Social Icons - RSS * Added: Portfolio Photo Item - Link to Project Website * Updated: Menu Depth - Increased * Updated: Builder 2 SEO - processing more data Version 4.4 - September 27, 2014 * Added: Dual Sidebars for pages * Added: Social Menu - Can be placed instead of social icons * Added: Accordion & FAQ Item - Open All Tabs at start * Added: Clients Item - Sort options * Added: Portfolio Slider - Navigation arrows - 2 styles * Added: Page Options - Additional Slider field * Added: Google Remarketing code - Theme Options field * Added: Search Results - Title translation * Fixed: Greyscale Effect - Chrome issue * Fixed: Header - z-index Version 4.3 - September 20, 2014 * Added: Greyscale Effect - Blog, Clients, Gallery, Image, Photo Box, Portfolio, Portfolio Grid, Portfolio Photo * Added: Schema.org Markups * Added: Gallery - Flat Style * Added: Sections - Navigation arrows * Added: Portfolio - Generate random number of loves * Added: Portfolio - Full Width Style for all Layouts * Added: Column Item - Text Align center * Added: Single Post - Show/Hide Title Area * Added: Shop - Catalogue Mode * Added: Shop Cart - Show/Hide header Cart Icon * Added: Shop Page - Products per page option * Added: Shop Product - Wide description style * Added: Shop Product - Show/Hide Related products * Added: WooCommerce 2.2.4 compatibility * Updated: WPML config file Version 4.2 - September 13, 2014 * Added: Portfolio Photo - Builder Item * Added: Column Item - Text Align select * Added: Content Padding - can be disabled for each page * Added: Header Creative - New Social Icons * Added: Footer - Style Fixed * Added: Clients Slider - Shortcode * Added: WooCommerce 2.2.2 compatibility * Updated: Visual Composer - version 4.3.4 * Improved: Portfolio - WPML compatibility * Fixed: Header - z-index * Fixed: Sticky Header - top spacing * Fixed: Shop Slider - iPhone hover Version 4.1 - September 5, 2014 * Added: Visual Composer & Muffin Builder - unified styles for: Accordion, Toggle, FAQ, Tabs, Vertical Tabs * Added: Progress Icons - Shortcode * Added: Hover Color - Builder Item & Shortcode * Added: Slider Item - Style select * Added: Button Shortcode - onclick attribute * Added: Footer - Sliding style * Added: Theme Options - Excerpt Length * Added: Theme Options - Blog - Hide Comments * Added: Social Icons - Behance, VKontakte * Added: Languages Menu - Smooth Scroll support * Added: Blockquote - Font select * Fixed: Breadcrumbs - Single Portfolio & Blog * Fixed: Minimalist Header - Sticky Header * Fixed: Minor CSS fixes Version 4.0 - August 29, 2014 * Added: Visual Composer - Included * Added: Visual Composer - 28 Exclusive Muffin Builder Items * Added: Image Item & Shortcode - Double link * Fixed: Events Calendar plugin - Title & Breadcrumbs * Updated: Revolution Slider - version 4.6 * Updated: Translation Files * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data Please notice that some Muffin Builder Items & Attributes closely associated with Sections are not supported by Visual Composer. Version 3.8 - August 22, 2014 * Added: Fancy Divider - Builder Item & Shortcode * Added: Hover Box - Builder Item & Shortcode * Added: Fancy Link - Shortcode * Added: Section Divider - Section Options field * Added: Menu Styles - Highlight * Added: Custom JS - Muffin Options field * Added: Force Layout & Sidebar for all pages * Added: Header Creative - Always Open * Added: 2nd Custom Font uploader * Added: Subheader Background image * Added: Section Background - Position Fixed * Fixed: Text Logo * Fixed: Header Creative - Content covering * Fixed: Transparent Subheader * Fixed: Slider Item - Slides count * Updated: Layer Slider - version 5.2.0 Version 3.7 - August 15, 2014 * Added: Visual Icon Select for Muffin Builder * Added: Muffin Builder Visibility - depends on roles * Added: Offer Slider Thumb - Builder Item * Added: Testimonials List - Builder Item & Shortcode * Added: Tooltip with Image - Shortcode * Added: Hide Footer option * Added: Action Bar - Additional Phone Number * Added: Our Team Item - Blockquote & Link fields * Added: Testimonials Item - option to Hide Photos * Added: Muffin Menu Widget - Select Pages Menu or Custom Menu * Added: Countdown Item - labels translation * Added: Main Menu - Align Right option * Fixed: Menu Default Description * Fixed: Header Classic Minimalist - Responsive height * Fixed: RTL - Sumbenu position * Fixed: Events Calendar plugin - Sidebar * Fixed: Testimonials Slider - Sidebar pages style * Updated: Timeline Item - Show date on mobile * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data Version 3.6 - August 11, 2014 * Added: Blog Slider - Shortcode * Added: Portfolio Slider - Shortcode * Added: Shop Slider - Shortcode * Added: Feature List - Target attribute * Added: Photo Box - Text Align option * Portuguese Translation - thanks to Themeforest user marcos12lis * Fixed: Blog Author Filter - show only Administrators, Editors & Authors * Fixed: Blog Slider - Post without image * Fixed: Tabs - minor CSS fix * Fixed: Child Theme - minor fixes * Fixed: Top Bar - Position * Updated: Under Construction - WMPL string translation * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data Version 3.5 - July 31, 2014 * Added: Sidebar Lines - Styles * Added: Blog - Generate random number of loves * Added: Blog - Filter by Author * Added: Footer - background image * Added: Layouts - Subheader background & color * Added: Responsive Menu Button Text - can be used instead menu icon * Fixed: Top Bar - Position * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data Version 3.4 - July 25, 2014 * Added: Accordion, FAQ & Tabs - Shortcodes * Added: Flat Box - Builder Item & Shortcode * Added: Sliders - Auto & Timeout Options * Added: Nice Scrool - Scroll Speed Option * Added: Main Menu - Descriptions * Added: Muffin Menu Widget - Multilevel with custom depth * Added: Portfolio - Link to Project Website instead of Details * Added: Text Logo - can be used instead of graphic logo * Added: Shop Page - Layout Select * Added: Prev/Next Navigation - Option to show/hide * Added: Hide Footer Widgets Area if there is no widgets * Added: Map Item & Shortcode - more contact details * Fixed: Contact Form 7 - TGM Plugin link * Fixed: Stellar Plugin - Parallax background * Fixed: Minor CSS Fixes * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data Version 3.3 - July 22, 2014 * Added: Layer Slider Included * Added: Header Style - Magazine * Added: How It Works Item - link & target * Added: MailChimp for WordPress plugin compatibility * Updated: Page Title - improved SEO plugins compatibility * Updated: Breadcrumbs - improved SEO plugins compatibility * Updated: Revolution Slider - version 4.5.95 * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data Version 3.2.1 - July 17, 2014 * Added: Share This - ssl support * Fixed: Minor code cleanup Version 3.2 - July 17, 2014 * Added: Static CSS - can be used instead of dynamic styles * Added: Custom CSS field in Page Options * Added: Full Screen Section * Added: Transparent Header Style * Added: Transparent Subheader * Added: Clients Slider - Builder Item & Shortcode * Added: Custom Languages Menu - for those who use plugin different than WPML * Added: Video Item - HTML5 video support * Added: Social Icon - Instagram * Added: Error 404 - Custom Icon * Updated: Muffin Builder - Scroll to element after popup close * Updated: Translation Files - .po/.mo * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data * Fixed: Promo Box Shortcode - Border * Fixed: Stellar Plugin - Parallax background * Fixed: Admin Bar - minor CSS fixes Version 3.1 - July 12, 2014 * Added: Portfolio - Masonry Flat Style * Added: Force Regenerate Thumbnails Plugin * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data * Fixed: Section - Video Backgrounds classes Version 3.0 - July 10, 2014 * Added: The Event Calendar plugin compatibility * Added: Envato WordPress Toolkit plugin compatibility * Added: Countdown - Builder Item & Shortcode * Added: Section - Video Backgrounds * Added: Section - Responsive Visibility * Added: Section - Columns without vertical margin * Added: Shop - Header Slider * Added: Blog - Category description * Added: Portfolio - Author change * Added: Single Portfolio - Navigate in the same category * Added: Action Bar - Option to show/hide * Added: Single Post Title - Option to show/hide * Added: Button Shortcode - Font color attribute * Added: Quick Fact - Additional heading * Added: Pricing Item - Image * Fixed: Section - Background Position * Fixed: Info Box Shortcode * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data Version 2.7.1 - July 5, 2014 * Added: Our Team Item - additional heading * Updated: Muffin Options - Background positions * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data * Fixed: IE9 - Disable Entrance Animations * Fixed: Vertical Tabs Version 2.7 - July 4, 2014 * Added: bbPress Compatibility * Added: Muffin Builder - Import/Export * Added: WooCommerce - Shop & Product Page without sidebar * Updated: Search Result - Layout * Fixed: Mobile Header - Background color * Fixed: Creative Header - Logo height * Fixed: Translations - Added missing translation tags Version 2.6.1 - June 30, 2014 * Fixed: Buttons - predefined colors * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data Version 2.6 - June 27, 2014 * Added: Creative Header - Vertical Sliding Menu * Added: Mega Menu backgrounds * Added: Nice Scroll - Scrollbar with a very similar ios/mobile style * Updated: Revolution Slider - version 4.5.6 Version 2.5 - June 25, 2014 * Improved: Page Speed optimization * Improved: SSL support * Added: Share Box - shortcode * Added: Section Labels - Muffin Builder feature * Added: Header Search - option to show/hide icon * Added: Header Action Button * Added: Call to Action - button can be used insted of icon * Added: Blog Items - multiple categories select * Added: Portfolio Items - multiple categories select * Updated: Blog - hide comments icon if comments are disabled Version 2.4 - June 20, 2014 * Added: 1 Click Demo Data Install Version 2.3 - June 17, 2014 * Added: Minimalist Header - without background image & padding * Added: Fancy Heading - choose whether you want to use H1 or H2 tag * Added: Clients - Categories * Added: Offer - Categories * Added: Portfolio Item - slider can be placed in the header or content * Added: Portfolio List - random order Version 2.2 - June 12, 2014 * Added: RTL Support * Added: Login Widget * Added: Skype Social Icon * Added: Layout Generator - background image & position * Fixed: Hide Title Area - pages with sidebar Version 2.1.1 - June 11, 2014 * Fixed: Layouts Generator - Header Style select + 2 new styles * Fixed: Revolution Slider - new Slider & Template Slider button - version 4.5.01 Version 2.1 - June 10, 2014 * Added: 2 Header Styles - Below Slider & Fixed * Added: Popup Shortcode - show content in popup window * Added: Blog Item - option to show/hide readmore button * Added: Action Bar - color option * Updated: Revolution Slider - version 4.5 * Fixed: Under Construction Page - Contact Form Version 2.0 - June 7, 2014 * Added: Layouts Generator - for each page you can choose different: grid, layout, header, menu, logo & skin * Added: 960px Grid - for those who prefer narrow pages * Added: Title Area - can be disabled for each page * Added: Admin Icons for Custom Post Types Version 1.7 - June 5, 2014 * Added: Sliding Widgetized Top Area * Added: Custom Font uploader * Added: Sidebar Widget Item - widgets can be used in Muffin Builder * Added: Image Frame: Margin Top option Version 1.6.1 - June 3, 2014 * Fixed: Header Styles Switch Version 1.6 - June 3, 2014 * Added: 3 New Header Styles * Added: Secondary Header Menu for Stack Header Style * Fixed: Minor code cleanup Version 1.5 - May 31, 2014 * Added: Under Construction Page & Maintenance Mode * Added: Blank Page Template * Added: Header Background - Option in Theme Options * Added: Tags - Single Post * Fixed: Blog Item - Read More translation tag Version 1.4 - May 30, 2014 * Added: BeTheme UI Kit - 18 PSD files * Added: Child Theme * Added: Yoast WordPress SEO Plugin - improved compatibility * Fixed: Theme Skin - seagreen skin * Fixed: Classic Header - background color * Fixed: Entrance Animations - minor fixes Version 1.3 - May 26, 2014 * Added: Entrance Animations * Updated: Minor code cleanup Version 1.2 - May 24, 2014 * Added: Boxed Layout Version 1.1 - May 22, 2014 * Added: Unlimited Menus - you can choose different menus for different pages * Added: Parallax Effect * Added: One Page - with Custom Menu & smooth scroll * Added: Header Featured Image - for Shop Pages * Added: Header Empty - new Header Style Version 1.0.0 - May 21, 2014 * First release
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