The #1 selling gallery on CodeCanyon with 10,000+ customers
This responsive WordPress gallery plugin aligns your thumbnails into a justified grid using jQuery, like Flickr and Google image search. Make your galleries stand out in an eye-catching and unique new way! Replace the standard WP galleries [gallery] as [justified_image_grid] with lots of new features and options. WordPress manages the galleries and this plugin will display them. Or alternatively you can load images from Facebook, Flickr, Instagram or use NextGEN as an image manager/source. Unleash the power of image RSS Feeds and pull videos from Youtube, Vimeo and images from 500px, Pinterest, deviantART, Stumbleupon, Imgur, Tumblr, WordPress.com blogs and more! Or just make a responsive banner of Recent posts using their featured images! Also works with custom post types and custom taxonomies. Filter the thumbnails by tags or any taxonomy!Control every aspect: row height, appearance, special effects like desaturation, color overlay with magnifier icon, borders, multiple captions, free and premium lightboxes, mouse activated animation… It’s easy to install and comes with 20 presets out of the box. The setup is a breeze with two admin areas: the plugin settings and the Shortcode Editor (you can edit your previously generated shortcodes!). 340 settings are spread over a tabbed interface in two admin areas for quick access. The settings are available to change on a per gallery basis, extending the global settings and presets. No coding skills are required. There is no need to remember shortcode attributes/values because of the Shortcode Editor that has examples and contextual help.
Your download includes an extensive 86 pages PDF documentation with full settings reference, troubleshooting guide and clickable bookmarks – table of contents. There are also some narrated HD videos available. An excellent, fast-response support is provided with guaranteed reply. It covers installation, technical and compatibility issues. Buy with confidence, the author is here to help!
Extended license doesn’t cover multiple uses! You need to purchase a regular or an extended license for every site. You can’t resell the plugin as part of a stock theme, the extended license doesn’t allow you to do that.
Videos – make sure you watch them in 1080p!
- #1 How to install
- #2 Settings and creating a gallery
- Automatically align images to a justified gallery keeping their original aspect ratio
- Responsive: adapts to the resolution of any device, provided your theme is also responsive. Try resizing the browser window! It’ll adjust as you stop dragging.
- Uses the WordPress native way of creating galleries, you can use your pre-existing galleries
- Facebook compatibility: use the Facebook authorization manager tool and the shortcode editor to visually select your single or multiple Facebook albums to load (page and user albums as well). Or just display all albums in your content using the Facebook overview feature – automatically create separate pages for the albums or just open them in the lightbox. API Requests are cached.
- Flickr compatibility: load photos from a user’s Photostream, Favorites, Group pools, Collections (!), Photosets, Galleries or a global Flickr search tool! Includes a user manager tool. No authentication required. Optional backlink to the photo on Flickr is available. API Requests are cached. Breadcrumbs for collections! Sets can be opened in the lightbox directly from the collection view.
- Instagram compatibility: load your feed, your recent photos, or your liked photos! Also, automatic content aggregation by Instagram tags, recent photos by any user. Furthermore pick any location or venue in the world to pull photos from, using Instagram and Worldcam! Optional backlink to the photo on Instagram is available. API Requests are cached.
- RSS/Atom feeds, semi-dedicated support for these popular sites: pull videos from Youtube, Vimeo and images from 500px, Pinterest, deviantART, Stumbleupon, Imgur, Tumblr, WordPress.com – using a regular link to Feed URL converter tool. It knows the feed URLs on these sites and helps you get them easily.
- NextGEN Gallery (both versions 1 and 2) integration, full support for nested albums and galleries, tag gallery, tag album, recent images, random images (all photos or from a gallery), individual photos, permalinks, custom links, limit, load more or hidden limit is used instead of pagination. You can transfrom your already established site using NextGEN shortcodes to use this plugin for the looks, in a matter of minutes! Hugely improved display performance over native NextGEN.
- Compatible with NGG Custom Fields for custom links on NextGEN images
- Built-in breadcrumb for Nextgen with lots of options, also for Flickr and Facebook sources
- Recent posts: Create a homepage banner of the (recent) posts (or your custom post type) using their featured images, filter by categories, display categories/tags/taxonomies in the caption, or show an automatic excerpt trimmed to x words as well as your manual exceprt, author name, time… Pre-filter by custom taxonomies, date queries, author and more!
- Filter using tag cloud or buttons by the terms of any taxonomy, ony the fly, for example: narrow WP posts, Flickr, Instagram or NextGEN content by tags! Extend WP post categories and tags to images to filter by. Works with custom post types with custom taxonomies. A second filter level/set is available to combine two taxonomies! Compatible with Media Library Assistant.
- Clicks on thumbnails can point to a Custom link/URL with video support – images with link target (_self/_blank/video)
- Load more type of pagination with Infinite Scroll
- Limit image count or maximum rows
- Hidden limit – limit the number of thumbs but cycle all gallery images in the lightbox
- Flexible, dynamic row height
- On the fly special effects: cross-browser desaturation, glow, blur, sepia, edge detection effects
- Natively HDPI display or Retina Ready
- Jetpack Photon compatible
- Ability to crop images to a fixed aspect ratio (essentially similar to fixed width and height, but with reponsiveness in mind)
- Ability randomize image width (without skewing image of course), this is the opposite of the previous feature, the fixed aspect ratio
- Adds images to XML Sitemap with WordPress SEO plugin by Joost de Valk
- Admin area 1: Main settings page with clean and logical tabs and sections
- Admin area 2: Shortcode Editor for the attributes with the ability to edit existing shortcodes
- Both admin areas feature contextual help
- 337 unique settings and shortcode attributes that you can change for each gallery
- Mobile specific settings that apply when a mobile device is detected
- Collaboration with premium lightboxes (WordPress plugins). These are FooBox which is social and responsive + the Social Gallery that allows Facebook/Disqus comments for the pictures. These are purchased separately.
- Multiple free lightbox options bundled: a customized prettyPhoto with social sharing, ColorBox, Magnific Popup by Dmitry Semenov, PhotoSwipe – which is optimized for mobiles and features a touch swipe navigation between the images. It’s possible to use a different lightbox for mobile devices and for desktops. Also to disable the lightbox or to turn links off. Compatible with Jetpack’s Carousel, a full screen free lightbox.
- prettyPhoto advanced deeplinking: Customized to Like images individually, with the Liked photo’s thumbnail showing up on Facebook, works with random order
- Full deeplinking and extended social tools support for prettyPhoto: Like, Tweet, G+, Pin the individual images (toggleable and re-orderable buttons)
- Most important prettyPhoto settings are easily changeable, theme, social tools, deeplinking. Optional Google Analytics compatibility.
- HTML tags support in lightbox captions
- Inner/Middle/Outer border with Inner/Outer shadow
- Magnifier icon (can be changed) in the middle of the transparent color overlay
- Error checking
- Right click theft protection
- Download link with browser pop-up to save the image
- Ability to use multiple instances on one page
- Option to hide the last row if incomplete or to match previous row’s height for same shaped images
- You can choose any of the WordPress image fields (such as Title, Alternate Text, Caption, Description from Media Libray) to appear at any location as captions and in the lightboxes
- Translation or localization ready with .po file (includes tinyMCE modal window texts)
- Built-in tool to move images between posts in the Media Library without having to re-upload them
- Crops the images as a last resort, can be set to never crop
- Template tag generator in the shortcode editor, sidebar text widget shortcode compatibility
- Features simply the best mouse enter/leave animation solution, hoverFlow for jQuery to solve the animation queue buildup
- TimThumb prepares, resizes, caches the thumbnails for minimal bandwidth and resource usage (can be disabled). It’s also made cacheable by CloudFlare!
- CDN support
- Plugin files will only load when needed, not causing slowdown on other pages
- Earn affiliate commissions by enabling a ‘powered by…’ link through your envato username
- Continuous updates have been released and are to be expected as new feature suggestions and customization requests spotlight areas to improve. Also when 3rd party script authors release new versions. Bugs are to be eliminated when found.
- Support is taken seriously, all efforts will be made to make an incompatibility go away. Also I listen to customer opinions and feature suggestions.
- “The Justified Image Grid plugin for Wordpress installed easily, and works fantastic. It’s simple to use, and the multiple appearances made customization a breeze. I’d recommend this for anyone who wants their image galleries to stand out. In all – a great plugin. // Nils Kristoffersen”
- I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again. This is one of best gallery plugins out there. Easy to install and use and looks fantastic. With it’s easy social media integration this proved to be the best solution for clients who were more comfortable uploading images onto their social media accounts than entering the WP Admin which can be daunting for some. 5* all the way. Highly recommended!
- This is the best gallery plugin for wordpress. Great styles, loads of options, and totally flexible. I love it! Works perfectly for what I was trying to accomplish. Thank you so much!
- Great plugin and a great author!! Easy install, and when I had a
small issue the author took care of it within minutes. Bookmarked
- What a beautiful gallery plugin! Lovely work.
- Just want to say: what an awesome plugin. I have been looking for a gallery for wordpress with these capabilities for an age! Great work Firsh.
- 5 stars on this one buddy, up and runnin faster then my coffee maker!
- This plugin is awesome, but Firsh’s customer service is incredible!
- Perfect and easy! Best (responsive) gallery plugin by far! Great job.
- You are awesome Firsh. The best customer service on the web!
- It´s too bad that I can´t give you another five stars for your custumer service!
So I do it this way: * * * * * - Thanks for making such an awesome plugin, I really love it and am so glad I stumbled upon it today!
- 1.2? OMG …its the gift that keeps on giving! Right on man, best 12 bux I EVER spent.
- I love this gallery plugin….Been hoping someone would put it together, and did not imagine it being this good. Bravo!
- I just feel the need to comment on how extremely helpful Firsh is if you ever have a problem with your purchase or even if you have questions not related to your purchase. I would recommend buying from him. He is patient, thorough, and overall, makes great plugins!
- I did the upgrades of the plugin and it is working brilliantly. It takes true vision to develop such a piece of software and I applaud you for that! It solved a big problem for us and opened up some great new possibilities which we are using to extend our website design way beyond the norm.
- Thanks for the lightning fast support. Firsh was great help. He answered my query in under an hour and fixed my issue right away..
- You my friend have been awesome! You went beyond the call of duty to help me out! So easy to recommend your work and support to others! We need people like you out there on all Evnavto Marketplaces!
- This is the #1 top selling WordPress gallery plugin on CodeCanyon since July 28, 2013!
- This item made me the Nr1 Top Selling New Author For July 2012 on CodeCanyon, thank you my Dear Buyers!
- This file hit the 3-months Top Sellers list in 2 months with 373 sales (ending Aug, 2012) and it’s there ever since.
- This plugin is on the Weekly Top Sellers list every week since 1 year and counting, top position is 7th with 142 sales.
Updates / Changelog
What’s next?- More updates, better demos!
v2.4 – December 19, 2014 – New PhotoSwipe 4 with Smart Deeplinking (social sharing for mobiles), better sharing, improved Facebook source performance
New features:
- New PhotoSwipe 4 by Dmitry Semenov is now included, boosted with certain JIG flavors:
- It is a brand new, performance and user-expericene driven lightbox, that is perfect for mobiles. Also, it’s the new default mobile lightbox in JIG.
- Customized with Smart Deeplinking – generates same content URLs as prettyPhoto (optional).
- It can share (to 4 networks, including Google+) the same way as prettyPhoto – but on mobile devices!
- It is compatible with JIG’s open to lightbox albums, hidden limit, load more, filtering etc.
- The new PhotoSwipe will automatically replace the old when you update.
- Old photoswipe is still available to choose, for legacy (separate settings).
- JIG-exclusive feature Smart Deeplinking for PrettyPhoto and PhotoSwipe is now extended to Google+ (when 1’d the exact image and its title/description gets shown on Google) – this does not carry a change in the shared URL.
- Multiple Facebook overviews are now supported on the same page.
- As part of the PhotoSwipe integration, the #!prettyPhoto deeplink hash is now replaced with #!jig but this change does not automatically affect existing users, to not break your social sharing counts. Link rel setting now takes values like the new default: jig[instance] instead of auto
- Recent posts now show author name properly, according to the “Display name publicly as” WP setting.
- Security improvement to disallow pulling images from unauthorized Facebook sources. Will not react to unknown albums in the URL.
- Facebook album IDs in the shortcode are now separated by space to avoid overflowing in the editor. Backwards compatible.
- More image de-duplication in the Facebook feed feature.
- Facebook album title is shown along the description for the “latest album’s contents” view mode.
- NextGEN galleries that have all their images hidden will not show up in the grid from now on.
- Several improvements to Facebook overview: multi-select album mode (speed, timeouts).
- RSS feed URL getter tool now creates YouTube feeds that pull 50 videos instead of 25 (unless limited) and provides better thumbnails. This is retroactively applied to all existing YouTube feeds you created.
- Sharing to Pinterest now includes title + description
- Tweet button and Google+ button in prettyPhoto no longer request their script for every image (faster performance) – functionality unaffected due to using already loaded scripts.
- Tweeting an image will now show the image’s title instead of the page title (where available)
- Facebook “No albums at all” error – when not true – will prompt you to gain access through a user (demographically limited pages)
- In some cases (e.g. Facebook) when straight to lightbox modes are used, the lightbox groups were combined, now they are split up.
- Facebook feed resulted in no items error when tried to cache feed content with special characters.
- Removed “link: null” in the generated JS script.
- PHP warnings fixed when using * for ng_tags_album in some cases.
- RSS enclosures now skip videos and try only images for thumbnail creation.
- RSS Feeds that have URL parameters now work better.
- Multiple crashy prettyPhoto instances would open if the first image of an “open albums in lightbox” set was re-opened from deeplink.
- PhotoSwipe – v4.0.1
- Mobile Detect 2.8.11
- Magnific Popup – v0.9.9 – 2014-09-06
- Language file, Documentation
New features:
- Offset for Infinite Scroll (start loading more before even reaching the end of the gallery)
- Comments count can be shown as Recent posts description and the “comments” text rewritten.
- Show latest Facebook album’s content (not just a lightbox gallery for the sidebar)
- Mix latest one Facebook album with other albums for overview mode (won’t force straight to lightbox in this case)
- JIG marks with a HTML comment whenever it adds OG meta tags for Facebook (only for the crawler, with prettyPhoto smart deeplinking)
- Upon interacting with a preset in the settings, that preset remains selected so you can save to it without the need to select it again.
- Facebook API v2.2 compatibility. Fixed “50 albums” limit.
- Recent posts now automatically adds a space after the author name prefix.
- TimThumb is bypassed when showing a Flickr collection that only has subcollections (Flickr-generated grid previews are tiny).
- Custom link’s target now influences where “attachment page” opens for WP Media Library images.
- Editor-level user can now add image source content
- PrettyPhoto smart deeplinking, Individual Facebook like/share: JIG sometimes HTML commented out its own OG meta tags for Facebook (when PHP object buffer was flushed by a 3party)
- Line 8275, line 15446, social_gallery_plugin_data notice fixed.
- Border now appears above captions.
- IE: Caption special effect visibility z-index problem fixed
- Remove usually unnecessary NextGEN files from the page – will not break NextGEN’s insert dialog
- In most cases lightbox links (Instagram, RSS, Recent posts) were not possible to move in the lightbox (between link title and img alt)
- Documentation, language files
- Filter buttons’ text now capitalizes by default
- Video player option added to Shortcode Editor’s “Custom link default target” setting
- Right click protection for prettyPhoto improved (for single images, without left/right arrows)
- Twitter button shares the correct URL now
- Download link feature wasn’t working for small, normal sized Facebook images (also a notice was present)
- Load More, when combined with filtering, loaded more than necessary images at once
- Last row centering was incorrect when combined “Match” mode and the thumbs of the previous to last row were cropped
- Mouse intereaction with Slide and Reverse slide caption styles would clear the special effect when using special effects only for the captions
- Border animation such as preset 14’s effect was not working since a recent update.
- Removed deprecated like_escape() calls (WP4).
- Right click protection enabled for Jetpack Photon
- Colorbox 1.5.14
- Language file
v2.2.1 – August 29, 2014 – Hotfix
v2.1 – Aug 12, 2014 – Facebook API v2, Magnific Popup, NextGEN search, many improvements and fixes. Important! If you use photos from Facebook Pages, without an App, create a Facebook App before updating for an uninterrupted experience.
v2.0.4 – May 16, 2014 – SEO, quick improvements
v2.0.3 – May 14, 2014 – Hotfix
v2.0.2 – May 12, 2014 – Flickr SSL, better translatability, show images by any taxonomy, cosmetic fixes regarding Retina Ready and special effects, better (video) sharing from prettyPhoto, numerous improvements and bugfixes
v2.0.1 – March 31, 2014 – Hotfix, FooBox related bugfix
v2 – March 27, 2014 – Custom presets, preset authority, video player, exclude Facebook albums, many improvements and bugfixes
v1.9 – February 22, 2014 – Automatic updates, better tabs support, AJAX, more flexible borders, major improvements to Facebook overview and prettyPhoto Pinterest pin button
v1.8 – December 20, 2013 – Christmas update – Flickr collections, Multiple Facebook albums, new Recent posts features, individual prettyPhoto social tools, WP3.8 compatibility and much more
v1.7.2 – November 12, 2013 – Flickr search, Facebook friends, improvements, bugfixes regarding NextGEN, filtering, compatibility, 3rd party script updates
v1.7.1 – October 3, 2013 – Hotfix update
v1.7 – October 1, 2013 – Retina ready (native HDPI display support), vastly improved Filtering, theme and prettyPhoto compatibility (problems that were most often surfacing as “social tools are not visible”)
v1.6.2 – August 26, 2013 – Bugfixes, maintaining NG2 compatibility
v1.6.1 – August 26, 2013 – Hotfix and a new small setting
v1.6 – August 26, 2013 – RSS Feeds (any image source), NextGEN 2 compatibility, larger Facebook images, animated gifs, settings import/export and uninstall, custom taxonomy filter for Recent posts
v1.5.1 – June 3, 2013 – Hotfix update that affects Filtering, Aspect Ratio and Facebook overview
v1.5 – June 1, 2013 – The biggest update yet! – Instagram, Filtering, Facebook overview, Fixed aspect ratio, Randomize width, Individual Facebook like with prettyPhoto advanced deeplinking, better SEO, Admin interface improvements, and much more…
v1.4.9 – May 1, 2013 – Vertical caption centering, infinite scroll, Jetpack Carousel…
v1.4.8 – April 4, 2013 – New shortcode options, more bugfixes, some improvements
v1.4.7 – March 21, 2013 – Important bugfixes
v1.4.6 – March 18, 2013 – Jetpack Photon compatibility, NG+WPML, CDN support, better SEO, bugfixes
v1.4.5 – February 12, 2013 – User suggested new features, NextGEN core changes, browser and jQuery compatibility bugfixes for the shortcode editor, mobile experience improvements…
v1.4.4 – January 18, 2013 – Minor update
v1.4.3 – January 15, 2013 – Minor update regarding NextGEN (when soft disabled temporarily)
v1.4.2 – December 28, 2012 – Minor update
v1.4.1 – December 18, 2012 – Minor update
v1.4 – December 17, 2012
v1.3 – September 26, 2012
v1.2 – August 6, 2012
v1.1 – July 6, 2012
v1.0 – July 1, 2012 – Initial CodeCanyon Release
For the complete changelog, check out Updates and changelog on justifiedgrid.com – I’ve managed to reach CodeCanyon’s ~65000 characters item description limit so I had to remove all v1.1-v1.8 changelogs from this page!
We may make statements regarding planned or future development efforts for our existing or new products and services. These statements are not intended to be a promise or guarantee of future availability of products, services or features but merely reflect our current plans and are based on factors currently known to us. These planned and future development efforts may change without notice. Purchasing decisions should not be made upon reliance on these statements.
- Huge thanks for NMH photography: greentzatziki on flickr. The USA photos are mine.
- jQuery
- Magnific Popup by Dmitry Semenov
- Pixastic
- hoverFlow
- prettyPhoto
- ColorBox
- PhotoSwipe
- FooBox
- Social Gallery
- NextGEN
- NextGEN Custom Fields plugin
- WordPress SEO plugin
- MobileDetect
- Facebook API
- Flickr API
- Instagram API
- Worldcam
- jQuery tagcloud
- jQuery MiniColors
- Jetpack
- WordPress
- Music for the podcast is created by Bassinvader on AudioJungle
- Sound effect for the podcast is created by scoringaudiogeeks on AudioJungle
- Particle effect for the podcast is created by sachinjoshi on VideoHive
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